WV: A Surprise Virtual Visit From the President – IOTW Report

WV: A Surprise Virtual Visit From the President

Manchin said he was a little struck by the photo on Reuters.com taken of him standing during the speech with Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez sitting behind him, giving him the stink eye: “My goodness. Well, I could hear the boos a little bit, you know. I didn’t know if the boos were for the president or for me standing; I wasn’t sure. But I could sure feel the daggers.”


TownHall: WEBSTER SPRINGS, W.Va. — No sitting president has ever visited here before. So it was a pretty big deal when 14 local high school students in a civics class had President Trump talking to them in their classroom Wednesday, all thanks to a Skype video call that Sen. Joe Manchin was having with them.

Senior Brennan Williams, 18, is still grinning ear to ear a few days after the experience. “Well, I mean, I’ve never talked to somebody that important before, and it was just crazy,” he said of initially talking to Manchin. “Then, the president of the United States calls the senator and then decides he wants to talk to us, well, that was even crazier. I just couldn’t stop smiling; I still can’t.”

His classmate Parker Stout, 18, says it was an honor he will never forget: “We prepared for our Skype call with Sen. Manchin by watching the State of the Union Address Tuesday night. What we never expected was that that would include talking to the president.”  read more

9 Comments on WV: A Surprise Virtual Visit From the President

  1. Once again President Trump is perfectly refreshing. Everyday I am thankful he chose to run for POTUS as an American citizen and show those lazy ivory tower swamp dwellers what actual work for the American people looks like. MAGA

  2. That is pretty much smack dab in the middle of WV.
    I drove by there this past fall. When you are traveling through that area you are either going up or down. I didn’t see a spot of naturally level land during many hours of driving.

  3. I’ll give SOME credit to Robert KKK Byrd. West Virginia is poor as hell, and needs more of its fair share of government dollars, but he just didn’t need to put his name on every infrastructure project. Seems self-serving.


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