WWE Goes to Saudi Arabia to Spotlight ‘Progressiveness,’ Wrestler Immediately Gets Death Threats – IOTW Report

WWE Goes to Saudi Arabia to Spotlight ‘Progressiveness,’ Wrestler Immediately Gets Death Threats

But when the PG-rated event was over, culture shock rippled through with one wrestler even getting death threats.

The city of Jeddah hosted WWE’s “The Greatest Royal Rumble” event. Reports say WWE was paid tens of millions of dollars for the signal appearance at the King Abdullah Sports City Stadium.

Saudi’s Prince Mohammad bin Salman wanted to showcase to the world just how modern his country is under his leadership. Bin Salman sees himself as a reformer and with his “Vision 2030” initiative has taken new steps to pull Saudi Arabia into the modern world -like allowing women to drive this year for the first time in the country’s history.

During the five-hour program, tourism ads produced by WWE were continuously run between matches touting the wonderful culture of Saudi Arabia, and assuring fans how progressive the country has become. Occasionally the promotional material pointed out a limitation in Saudi laws, quickly qualified with an ominous turn of phrase about having to “respect the culture.”

For the broadcast, the Saudi Arabian government gave priority seating to families with at least one woman, so they could be seen in the view of the camera. Gay characters were expressly not permitted on the show. Canadian wrestler Sami Zayn also was asked to sit the event out due to his Syrian heritage, and it was rumored that legendary manager Paul Heyman almost stayed home because they were afraid his Jewish ethnicity would make waves, but he ultimately appeared.

All female wrestlers were not permitted to appear at the big event, making the card all-male. Reports indicate WWE compensated the female performers even though they were left off the show.  more here

14 Comments on WWE Goes to Saudi Arabia to Spotlight ‘Progressiveness,’ Wrestler Immediately Gets Death Threats

  1. SAT analogy #84, WWE : Saudi Arabia
    A. Hulk Hogan : Towel Clothing
    B. Acting : Terrorism
    C. Capitalism : Monarchy
    D. 7-Elevan : 9/11
    ✓E. All of the Above

  2. Bin Salman sees himself as a reformer and with his “Vision 2030” initiative has taken new steps to pull Saudi Arabia into the modern world -like allowing women to drive this year for the first time in the country’s history.

    Reports indicate WWE compensated the female performers even though they were left off the show.

    Obviously, the Saudis have decades to go before they sleep.

  3. We’ve been slowly encouraging women to finally walk around 1/2 naked all the time, and those damn muslims aren’t going to screw this up for us!

  4. This reads like the script to a good screwball comedy I’d like to see in the movie house, but what to call it?

    How about “The turnbuckle and the pray matt?”

  5. The only way muslime countries will ever enter the 21TH century is when they denounce the geo-political cult that is islam, and good luck with that.
    They need to talk to the survivors of Hiroshima & Nagasaki, there may be a lesson there for them.

  6. @Dan Ryan Galt May 6, 2018 at 11:11 am

    > The only way muslime countries will ever enter the 21TH century is when they denounce the geo-political cult that is islam, and good luck with that.

    Hmm… Islam or Marxism? Marxism or Islam? Gimme a minute… I’ma pretendin I’s gots to think about it.

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