WY school district drops Michelle O’s lunch rules – IOTW Report

WY school district drops Michelle O’s lunch rules

EAG: SHERIDAN, Wyo. – Officials in Wyoming’s smallest school district decided to ditch the National School Lunch Program and its long list of nutrition regulations to cut down on wasted food and administrative time tied to the federal requirements.

According to the Sheridan Press:

Superintendent Chares Auzqui said the move will help cut down on food waste, increase participation in the school lunch program by making meals that are more appealing to students and free up administrative time, since the federal program required significant tracking, compliance and other paperwork.

The district will lose food-related federal money but Business Manager Greg Rohrer hopes that by cutting down on staff time needed to facilitate the federal program, a new lunch program would be cost-effective.

In other words, officials in Sheridan County School District 3 realize that the money wasted trying to comply with the federal regulations outweighs subsidies the school receives from the government for the National School Lunch Program.  more here

5 Comments on WY school district drops Michelle O’s lunch rules

  1. It’s about time. Children of the 50’s had far less obsesity than todays children. Video/Digial games are the cause. We used to go out and run and play. That’s also what physical education is for.

  2. Washington has no money that is not sent to them by banks residing in the several states. These banks operate in those states at the pleasure of the elected state governors.

    Some states operate on federal money in excess of what they submit. Some operate at a loss.

    You want to reign in federal power and meddling in the states? Cut off their cash flow.

    The states can do this.

    Congress, who holds the purse strings of the federal government is compromised and no longer doing their job.

    The states need to step in and restore some sanity into federal government interference with issues they have no charter to be involved in.

  3. @Will Smart – Tragically for the kids, the modern educationist bureaucracy has decreed no more running and playing. Kids who run and play get sweaty, dirty, and occasionally fall down and skin their knees. Recess is now supervised non-competitive, non-contact, non-voluntary wimpy games and the kids can’t even pick their own teams: forced diversity of association. It’s enough to make me weep, and I don’t even have any kids.

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