Wyoming: Gubernatorial Candidate Foster Friess (R) Surges To First In Polls – IOTW Report

Wyoming: Gubernatorial Candidate Foster Friess (R) Surges To First In Polls

DC: Gubernatorial candidate Foster Friess (R–Wyo.) has now surged to first in the Republican primary, according to a new report from Trafalgar Strategy.

Friess is at 21-percent flat, beating all his competitors in a fairly crowded field for the GOP nomination for Wyoming governor.

This is a remarkable turnaround from his place in the beginning of the race when he was a relative underdog.

Friess has also been endorsed by Donald Trump Jr., who said, in part, “Foster Friess has always fought for the little guy.”

“He’s not part of the swamp. He’s following in my father’s footsteps and not accepting any special interest money. Foster’s sole focus is to protect your money and to fight for the teachers, the welders, the nurses and every single hard-working family in Wyoming,” Trump Jr. added.

Friess told TheDC that he was “grateful for the endorsement from Donald Trump Jr.” Tuesday.  more here


12 Comments on Wyoming: Gubernatorial Candidate Foster Friess (R) Surges To First In Polls

  1. @ Bad-Brad….you have no knowledge of Wyoming/Montana/Idaho/ certain parts of Colorado values….stay in California and fix your own shit there….and for fucks sake don’t go further east….

  2. Very funny!
    Yes, in fact I have no doubt that Foster could organize a fast food chain in no time, keep it running and make the big bucks, but his real talent is get this, HELPING PEOPLE. And his wife is just as wonderful.

    I have to correct a common error. His name is pronounced Freece , like fleece.

    I’m from Wyoming. I know the man and several of his children. He’s the real deal… a very, very, good man and he has a fine family.

  3. “…….fight for the teachers…..”
    You mean, the Union endorsed and supported teachers? That ought to make some heads spin. I wonder what the state teachers’ union and NEA are saying about this?

  4. At our home we lovingly call him Frosty Freeze. The kindness, civility, humility that this man exuded from the beginning of his campaign, in his ads, in the PBS candidates’ debates…. glad to hear someone vouch for him being the ‘real deal’.

    A ‘tell’ was his first TV ad. At the end of it, he instinctively bowed his head a little as he said “I humbly ask for your vote.” Loved it !!!!

    Weeks later, another candidate aped his words in her ad, minus the sincerity. (fail)


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