Wyoming: Mark Gordon Wins GOP Gubernatorial Primary – IOTW Report

Wyoming: Mark Gordon Wins GOP Gubernatorial Primary

DC: State Treasurer Mark Gordon emerged victorious in the Wyoming GOP gubernatorial primary on Tuesday night, a win that nearly assures him control of the governor’s mansion.

Gordon beat back five other candidates for the nomination. Finishing in second was longtime GOP donor Foster Friess, who closely trailed him throughout the night. Other top candidates included attorney Harriet Hageman and businessman Sam Galeotos.

On the Democratic side, former state representative Mary Throne won her party’s nomination, beating three other candidates for the spot. But given Wyoming’s conservative lean, it is unlikely Throne will prevail in the general election.

The winner of the general election will replace term-limited Republican Gov. Matt Mead, one of the most popular governors in the country.  more here

7 Comments on Wyoming: Mark Gordon Wins GOP Gubernatorial Primary

  1. Anonymous
    AUGUST 22, 2018 AT 10:59 AM
    “Don’t worry about WY. It’s too windy. You wouldn’t like it here.

    There are so many other states you’d like much better.”

    Besides, Sheriff Longmire will kick their asses all the way back to California!


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