Wyoming, you may have a serious problem – IOTW Report

Wyoming, you may have a serious problem

National File: ‘Did Trump Win in 2020?’: Cheney Challenger Hageman Dodges Question.

At CPAC, Liz Cheney challenger Harriet Hageman refused to answer when asked if Trump won the 2020 election. Hageman had previously been involved in an RNC scheme to steal the 2016 GOP nomination from Donald Trump, according to a report from Politico.

“Did Trump win 2020?” Hageman was asked while mingling with CPAC attendees. After initially brushing off the question, Hageman laughed it off and refused to answer upon being asked for a second time.

Hageman was then pressed over her strong historical ties with Cheney and other GOP insiders. “Are you still close with your friend Liz ma’am?” Hageman was asked. After again refusing to answer any of the questions, Hageman began to exit the event. “Who are you going to be loyal to; Kevin or Donald Trump?” The Cheney challenger again refused to answer, saying: “I don’t answer questions from people as rude as you are.”

Despite running as a primary challenger to the Wyoming Rep., Hageman was hired by Liz Cheney as a senior advisor in 2013, when Cheney tried and failed to run for U.S. Senate. Additionally, Hageman has described Liz Cheney as her “best friend.” Harriet Hageman was also absent during the Wyoming GOP meeting to censure Liz Cheney following the congresswoman’s anti-Trump impeachment vote. MORE

21 Comments on Wyoming, you may have a serious problem

  1. As far as answering the question about Trump winning in 2020, it should be easy enough, “TBH, I don’t really know, nobody knows because too many blue states played fast and loose with the rules re: their own voting rules and an accurate count could not be conducted. So now, one of my goals, if elected, is to ensure voter integrity and to make sure that voter fraud does not impact any future elections”. Simple enough.

    As for whether she is the right person for the job, the voters should decide but one of the first things would press her on is whether she would publicly rebuke her friend, Liz Cheney on both her impeachment vote and her sham role in a sham witch hunt, the Jan 6th Commission. Put her feet to the fire.

  2. The GOP establishment in Natrona (Casper) county is very anti Trump and right after the stolen election I ran into one of the top officials from the county and she told me how silly I was to think that the election was stolen. I knew the fix was in right then and there. I don’t know why Trump would put his support behind another Rino.

    We need to keep asking her questions until she exposes herself.

  3. @Rich Taylor – the path to redemption that you gave Hageman is admirable, but these are cut throat times and no one can be trusted to “change their spots” at the last minute. She seems too convenient.

  4. @stirrin

    Yeah, she very well may be too “convenient” but Trump endorsed her, so there’s that. I won’t dismiss her out of hand but she does need to address the Cheney impeachment vote and her deplorable behavior re: Jan 6th Commission.


    Did Emerald give Trump’s reply to that query?

    From what I’ve read, Hannity, Ingraham, and Kilmeade made several calls to Meadows (chief of staff) on Jan.6th pleading with him to get Trump to make an announcement condemning the lawlessness at the Capitol and to tell those folks to go home.

    And regarding CPAC, did anyone else catch Tulsi’s speech? It was remarkable, inspiring, and positively Reaganesque, if only I could believe that she believes it herself;


  5. Sadly, President Trump is backsliding into his Moderate/Blue Dog Democrat roots. RINO bait and switch scum should be shunned immediately by conservatives. Doesn’t matter who endorses them.
    Hageman should be exposed as a traitor on a regular basis – keep her uncomfortable, politically. Wyoming, one of the last almost leftist free states seems to be seriously compromised – Darn it.

  6. Whoa, Whoa, Whoa. Don’t slash you’re wrist quite yet. Do you peeps have any idea how many candidates he’s endorsed? Trumps endorsed a shit ton of ex Mil, Conservative, Grass Roots candidates. Did he endorse some turds? Maybe. But Cheney needs to go even if a Libtard replaces her. She’s a dinosaur Bush Republican. AKA Neocon, AKA RINO, AKA Libtard< AKA Democrat. What committees will the new bitch be on? How much pull will the new bitch have. Especially if all the rest of Trumps endorsement get elected.

  7. I have been commenting and posting about the absolute filth that is woven through the fabric of the Republican Party for decades. It took Trump to open a hell of a lot of people’s mind to what was to me one of the defining features of the Republican Party. I suppose for me it was the East Side Republican (Bellevue) bunch being so close to home that made it impossible for me to have missed recognizing that they hate Constitutional conservatives and have greater contempt for us than Democrats.

    Trust me the feelings are reciprocal. I despise the air the fuckers have breathed out and can’t stand even the sight of them. They are everything the Democrats are, they just don’t admit to it out of political expediency.

  8. Here’s my take on the liz cheney snake and RINO replacement.

    If there’s no solid Trump backing candidate, then replacing cheney with a newbie with way, way less power is the next best thing.

  9. THE ENEMY has been, and always will be, THE CAREER POLITICIAN.

    Cheney must be thrown out. If Hageman proves to be equally evil, then trash her next.

    It takes decades for scum to plant itself firmly. Keep scrubbing the toilet until these shitstains go away.


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