Daily Caller: Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre’s outfit drew comparisons to lawn equipment on Thursday.
Jean-Pierre stepped up to the podium wearing a green blazer over a bright yellow shirt, resembling a John Deere lawnmower. One social media user posted an image on Twitter of the White House press secretary from Thursday’s briefing beside the infamous enemy of green grass.

Other social media users had a field day reacting to the meme with jokes about Jean-Pierre’s comical choice of clothes.
“Nothing runs away from answering the question like a Deere,” Steve Guest wrote. more here
It’s not how fast you spin but how well you spin fast.
At least a John Deere mower is useful, Cringe Jean-Pierre, not so much.
There’s some kind of historical parallel there in a Black woman and farm equipment looking the same, but the difference is that the John Deere is not obsolete.
They both run on gas
Guys around here pay a lot of money to wear those colors.
I’m pretty sure that she can go through her gal-pals bush like a lawnmower.
Trying to divert from Jill’s Christmas fiasco.
L: Rugmuncher
R: Grassmuncher
Somehow I knew she was a U of O fan.
How dare she insult the DEERE Company!!!
Lawn mower? No. Here’s a much more apt John Deere product.
Write her a John Deere letter and call it a day…
Uncle Al, I first the word shit in about 3rd or 4th grade in Ephrata, Wash. from a farm kid whose dad had a manure spreader that he called a shit wagon.
First heard.
She must get her fashion tips from Dr*Jill.
geoff – Now the manure spreaders are everywhere in Washington DC!
Rally ‘round the flag…the Jamaican flag, that is.
Honey wagon, Honey.
She could weed whack that hair down a bit, too.
Harry Eyeball, the official vehicle of Wash. DC is not the Jeep Wagoneer, it’s really the Creep Shit Wagoneer so they can spread their shit wherever they go.
Not just a lawn mower, but an evil, dinosaur powered, polluting, global warming causer!
T-Shirt hell had a shirt with a similar subject…
I thought she ran diesel?
I thought she had won The Masters…
That was Nurse Diesel from the Mel Brooks movie High Anxiety. You know the one with the exaggerated 1950’s pointy torpedo tits.
Should have put a bunch of dead brown grass on the deck
A John Deere manure spreader would be more appropriate.
Only in the Fronkensteen Pretzel Logic world of today’s Washington LBGTQueerness will you find Shaniqua-LaDarrius-Propecia-Seealis-Yurethra the 3rd, Gay, Lesbian, one-eyed, diesel-fired, plaid flannel shirt-wearing, nipple-ringed, dildo-swingin “Press Secretary” relentlessly yammering about why one of their 52 genders needs to snort Coke!
Kareen: I’m wearing these colors because today is the 25th anniversary of the day I was reaped by John Deere.
Just about all sci-fi films of the 1950’s had women with boobs like that. I call them 1956 Rocket Boobs, but Torpedo Tits is a good one. The mystery is how they got the pointy ends. Maybe a specially designed bra.
Torps are the best. Madonna worked them to ridicule unfortunately.