Xi faces 3 rebellions – IOTW Report

Xi faces 3 rebellions

FrontPage: For several years, I was vice president of the US-China Strategic Review Commission, and we spent a lot of time with the top experts. We all generally agreed that China would grow larger and more powerful, but the central question was whether this would be a peaceful transformation or a violent one. Very few of these people (almost all men) thought China could get through the transition without some sort of violent convulsion, as we see today.

Chinese unification has long been a challenge to the chiefs of their dynasties, and today there are three big areas that seek various degrees of independence from Beijing: Tibet, Hong Kong, and the Uighur territories. 

Each territory has made its own arrangements with the capital, giving formal control to Beijing while retaining varying degrees of independence for themselves. The Dalai Lama has sworn he will stay away from his Tibetan homeland, but the nature of contemporary communications is such that he maintains a constant channel to his people. The violence in Hong Kong we see daily. And the Uigurs, who for some time received support—including military training—from Iran, are now prime targets of Chairman Xi.

So the Chinese are facing three convulsions, shortly after making Xi president for life, and they are dealing with a nationwide economic challenge that is testing the abilities of Xi and his colleagues to manage the highly ambitious global expansion they have set for themselves. more here

12 Comments on Xi faces 3 rebellions

  1. China is playing the long game … which they have done since Mao croaked.

    Xi is a bit more worried now that his puppet Biden is crashing & burning … the Chinese will have to start propping up other D’rat sell-outs … particularly Warren & Mattress

  2. I’ve spent time in Guangzhou, Shenzhen and other parts of China over the years, plus work with APAC teams on almost a daily basis. The standard of living for young people has been lifted dramatically over the past 20 years. They are not docile, ignorant nor without expectations. Much of it is due to the manufacturing boom. The trade tariffs are eroding their lifestyle, and they are not happy.

    China may be facing four rebellions, not just three.

  3. When despots control a nation there’s always rebellion percolating under the surface. The Chinese people have had a taste of the possibilities for a better life and they’re not likely to stand by helplessly as it’s all eroded. If they can manage to organize the leaders better watch out.


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