Yahoo Falsely Attributes James Carville’s ‘Trailer Park’ Paula Jones Slur to Lindsey Graham – IOTW Report

Yahoo Falsely Attributes James Carville’s ‘Trailer Park’ Paula Jones Slur to Lindsey Graham

Big Journalism:

Yahoo News spread fake news Wednesday by falsely attributing a sexist quote from a Clinton political operative to Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC).

Asked by The Atlantic‘s editor-in-chief Jeffrey Goldberg about President Donald Trump’s Tuesday evening remarks about Christine Blasey Ford, Graham said the comments were “factual” and more broadly represented a shared frustration among conservatives of the treatment Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh is being subjected to. “Factual? It was a personal, degrading attack on someone who is a private citizen,” Goldberg replied. “Here’s what’s personally degrading,” Graham replied, then quoting Carville: “This is what you get when you go through a trailer park with a hundred dollar bill.”

The line, uttered by Carville in January 1996 in reference to Paula Jones, was met with light laughter.  more

11 Comments on Yahoo Falsely Attributes James Carville’s ‘Trailer Park’ Paula Jones Slur to Lindsey Graham

  1. Corpse sniffing dogs alert when located within 5 miles of the Supreme Court and assistants keep a small mirror handy to place under the old bags nose every morning. You’re next Ruthie!!!!

  2. Me.
    I’m more worried about Justice Thomas than Ginsburg.
    Thomas is 70 years old.
    Overweight black males do not have especially long life expectancies.
    I love his rulings, but I kinda hope he retires while we have the levers in Republican control.

  3. Yahoo News makes Buzzfeed look like Pulitzer material. And, of course, their comments section is an industrial troll farm.

    Click on their names and you’ll see “people” who’ve left tens to hundreds of thousands of comments in short time spans. Accounts that will respond to every single person in a comment thread. All with the usual “*Yawn*, Source?”, etc. time wasters that are meant to gaslight other commenters or get them to do something other than organizing and punching these scum at the ballot box.

    If an investigation is ever opened into where most of the comments come from, “Russian collusion” will be the least of it. Most are paid campaign workers I would wager.

  4. Yahoo didn’t have to reach too far in the revisionist trash heap to fool the fools. No one in the audience knew that Lindsey was quoting Carville.

    If we want to have a discussion about the shame the left insists our country was founded on, I’m happy to meet them half way.

    Slavery is the shame. Clinton’s are the stain.

    They harp on Trump’s crudeness. No administration did more to destroy social norms and civility than the Clintons. Of course obama picked up the baton.

  5. “The average reporter we talk to is 27 years old, and their only reporting experience consists of being around political campaigns. That’s a sea change. They literally know nothing.”

  6. “The remark drew ire from moderate Republicans — Sens. Jeff Flake (R-AZ), Lisa Murkowski (R-AK), and Susan Collins (R-ME)”

    Trump being President draws ire from those three.

    And Democrats in Republican clothing are “moderate.”


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