Yahoo / Huffington Post headline “If Donald Trump Becomes President, It’s on You” – IOTW Report

Yahoo / Huffington Post headline “If Donald Trump Becomes President, It’s on You”

How friggin’ desperate is that? They’re still trying to figure out why Trump is leading.

“Enough is enough. For months, political scientists have looked at the strange spectacle that is the Donald J. Trump for President campaign and have largely come away with one of two opinions.”

Huff poo article here

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28 Comments on Yahoo / Huffington Post headline “If Donald Trump Becomes President, It’s on You”

  1. Donald’s message is viewed as hate speech by the left, but I fail to find hate in Donald’s message. He’s the only candidate that is looking after the safety of civil America. The hate speech is a current sitting president stating, “they acted stupidly” when referring to our serving police, the very same people who keep us safe day to day, referring to a thug criminal as someone who’d, “look like my son if I had one,” and don’t forget he can’t even call our number one enemy by their name because he LOVES them so much! “fundamentally change” what was once the greatest country on the face of the planet — on and on.

  2. “For those who believe President Obama has overreached during his presidency, imagine those same powers in the hands of Donald Trump.”

    You set the precedent – “come home to roost” LOL

  3. Donald Trump is the candidate of choice for those who really, really, really want to stick it to the Obama squad of progtard socialist running over this country. Is he the best choice for president? maybe not, but he will do much better than what we’ve got. And the sheer joy of hearing the lefties squeeling about president Trump would be worth it! Vote for Trump and stick it up their asses and break it off. Oooooh snap!

  4. I was just snacking on a bagel watching Faux News. Zer0 was on talking about the 150 year anniversary of abolishing slavery.

    No shit, he went back to the 1800’s and SLAMMED Republicans for supposedly trying to continue slavery!

    This mutherphucker then follows up with Jim Crow Laws, etc, all while implicating Republicans as being the opposition to ending slavery.

    He’s rewriting history!

    It’s no wonder why the Democrats and establishment RINOs are going to LOSE, a, BIG TIME in 2016!!!

  5. Elections have consequences. We have been lied to for the last 7 years. Trump has awakened the silent majority, we have had enough of the vocal minority, and the left and the media can’t figure it out? They called us every name in the book trying too shame voters to vote for their guy who is a total fraud, was elected with no experience, beat Hillary, and now she is the option?!?! The only tactic left is to try and shame us into not voting for someone who is resonating with the actual voters because voters right AND left have had enough of the bullshit!

  6. Huffpo, and other large media outlets just don’t get it – the internet is making their brand of “journalism” more and more irrelevant. Huffpo writers may be upset at Trump’s popularity, but they are even more upset by the fact that more and more people are disregarding their opinions on anything.

    Part of Trump’s appeal is that he attacks the media – a tactic which would have been fatal to a candidacy before the rise of the internet. Politicians who attacked the media risked having the media circle the wagons; that is simply not feasible anymore. Trump has tapped into a disaffection with those media elite who still believe that they shape public opinion, and now that virtually everyone has virtually unlimited access to a public platform, Trump’s tactics are popular.

  7. What are they so worried about? Everything I read on the MSM and GOPe/Trump-hate media is saying that Hillary will easily cruise to a landslide victory if Trump is nominated. Now it sounds like they’re not so sure.

  8. Between stuff like this and the White House’s “disqualified” official statement, all I can say is Trump is assumed by the Left (and the RINO.side of the Left) to be not only the GOP candidate but also the favored winner of the Presidential election.


  9. “He’s rewriting history!”

    Trump should campaign on EOing this rewrite bullshit out of the record…

    “The White House website has always featured biographies of past presidents. The biographies are largely designed for students, so they can research the history of the White House occupants; the text is taken from The Presidents of the United States of America, by Michael Beschloss and Hugh Sidey. Now, however, President Obama has decided that those other presidential biographies weren’t complete without a sentence about him. Seriously. As it turns out, all past presidents are just a window into President Obama’s grand accomplishment.”

  10. Why is it “hatred” to want to be secure in your own country, or at your own home, or at your job, or at a restaurant, or at a sports event, or at a Christmas party?

    Splain that, socialist hypocrites and maggots!

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