Yale Humanities Student Says She Accidentally Got Her Illegal Alien Father Detained – IOTW Report

Yale Humanities Student Says She Accidentally Got Her Illegal Alien Father Detained



[…] According to Hans Meyer, Andazola Morales’ immigration attorney, his client was detained because of an order of exclusion issued when he was stopped at a Texas border in 1997. According to the Denver Post, an order of exclusion is a legal term no longer in use, but it’s effectively the same as an order of deportation. Following deportation in 1998, he returned once again to the U.S. undetected, where he has lived ever since.


14 Comments on Yale Humanities Student Says She Accidentally Got Her Illegal Alien Father Detained

  1. I thought “Viviana, who is majoring in ethnicity, race and migration” was the inadvertently funniest line in the article… until I read,”…she was unable to do anything about his deportation despite majoring in the topic at college.”

  2. Viviana, who is majoring in ethnicity, race and migration…

    Free ride to Yale and this is her contribution to the country?
    Better run back to the shadows honey, this ain’t your father’s America any longer.

  3. Hey, chica, your padre is feeling down in the dumps (so to speak) back in Meh-hee-co and really needs you to go down there and cheer him up. Is your illegal mamacita here too? She needs to go with you. Adios and don’t come back.

    No sympathy. None. Nada. Hopefully there’ll be a nice tall wall in place soon that’ll make it hard for you leeches to re-invade MY country.

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