Yale researchers’ coronavirus saliva test, used on NBA players, gets FDA emergency approval – IOTW Report

Yale researchers’ coronavirus saliva test, used on NBA players, gets FDA emergency approval

Great! Who do we get to spit on? Fauci?
They’ll figure out everyone has the ‘rona and we can move on.

Just The News: The Food and Drug Administration has granted emergency approval to a coronavirus saliva test developed by researchers at Yale University. The test was previously used on NBA players and staffers.

Yale says of the test, which is called SalivaDirect, that it “is simpler, less expensive, and less invasive than the traditional method for such testing.” FDA commissioner Stephen Hahn called the test “groundbreaking.” more

8 Comments on Yale researchers’ coronavirus saliva test, used on NBA players, gets FDA emergency approval

  1. One time when I was working as a letter sorter for the Post Office back in the mid 80’s we received a bunch of broken urine sample specimen bottles for drug testing while sorting the mail, it was big mess all over the place and got a few good laughs from the mail sorters. Who the heck sends urine samples in the mail anyway?


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