Ya’ll checkout my Redneck Battle Tank! – IOTW Report

Ya’ll checkout my Redneck Battle Tank!

h/t Doc.

18 Comments on Ya’ll checkout my Redneck Battle Tank!

  1. nice try … now, go peddle your duct tape

    I’ve seen better contraptions … that actually worked at live fire, than this bobcat w/ ‘accessories’ … crap, I’d rather have a Napolean 12 pounder w/ a good crew

  2. Gee if you learn english it could help. I am a Redneck, a Redneck… is a song from the late 70’s early 80’s. You don’t know your ass from a hole in the ground. Just a Redneck, a Redneck

  3. My paternal grandfather was born in Oklahoma in the mid 1890’s so I must have a little bit of a redneck in me. He was a farmer, hard rock miner in N. Idaho and an early Okie escaping Oklahoma before the dust bowl and the Depression hit in the 1930’s having permanently moved to N. Idaho in the early 1930’s. He also according to my dad knew how to noodle, catching catfish by sticking his hand down into dangerous ponds and other bodies of dubious water catching catfish with his hands. Of course, he had to watch out for the alligator snapping turtles doing this. And until my mom broke me of it, I used to call Washington Warshington.

  4. ^ When I read your “Recent Comments” snibbet on the Main Page it says “I laughed so hard I…”

    And I was afraid of how that sentence might end! “…I hurt my…” 🤣


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