Yeah baby, she’s got it! – IOTW Report

Yeah baby, she’s got it!

OK, well, she’s got most of it.

On this day in April, the statue of Venus de Milo was discovered.

Encyclopaedia Britannica:

Venus de Milo, ancient statue commonly thought to represent Aphrodite, now in Paris at the Louvre Museum. It was carved from marble by Alexandros, a sculptor of Antioch on the Maeander River about 150 BCE. It was found in pieces on the Aegean island of Melos on April 8, 1820, and was subsequently presented to Louis XVIII (who then donated it to the Louvre in 1821). Though it was reconstructed to a standing posture, the statue’s arms were never found. An inscription that is not displayed with the statue states that “Alexandros, son of Menides, citizen of Antioch of Maeander made the statue.” The figure’s origin on the island of Melos has led some to think she may be Amphitrite, the Greek goddess of the sea. MORE

14 Comments on Yeah baby, she’s got it!

  1. My Mom told us, when we were little kids, that she lost her arms because she picked her not too much…..I don’t know why I had to hear that because my sister was the true nose picker in the family and still is…

  2. Might as well discuss what popped into my head when I saw her again.

    Those are ideal tits, in my book. I’m not a fan of huge ones. Huge really isn’t “better” to me, but I understand why it is for so many men.

    I love all the ones smaller than this too. Flat is not a dis-qualifier, to me. Whatever they are in size or shape – it’s who has them that makes them desirable or not. So it really doesn’t matter. If I love her and I’m looking at a double mastectomy – then that’s what my love looks like. No issue.

  3. @carnal knowledge “There’s a section of YouPorn for relations with amputees. (or so I’ve been told)

    I thought you might like to know on Amazon is “GIANT” a 3 season lawyer drama with billy bob thornton. One season is a bad guy who gets off on stumps. A very grisly ending but a very good show.


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