Yeah. Go With That. – IOTW Report

Yeah. Go With That.

Dems are weird- Salty Cracker.

18 Comments on Yeah. Go With That.

  1. It’s worse: Biden has threatened Speaker Johnson’s life – and doubles down, along with his crazy press secretary:

    President Biden was just asked on the tarmac about Speaker Johnson calling his Supreme Court reform “dead on arrival.” “That’s what he is,” Biden said. Asked for clarification, a reporter shouted, “That he is?” Biden responded: “He is. Dead on arrival.”

    — Matt Viser (@mviser) July 29, 2024

    What did Biden mean when he said SpeakerJohnson is “dead on arrival”?

    “I would just refer you to the president himself,” Karine Jean-Pierre.

    The reporter pressed KJP: “So he misspoke?”

    “I don’t think he misspoke,” KJP said.

  2. I wouldn’t put too much stock in anything Biden says. His mind is so rotted, I genuinely believe he has no idea what the hell is coming out of his mouth these days. His comments above are on the same level as one kid telling another kid “nuh uh — you are!” after being insulted on the playground.

  3. It’s amusing to hear the people who say, “There’s no such thing as normal” using “He’s weird” as an insult.

    And if Kamala is really all that, why isn’t she President already? Do the Dems think she’s so perfectly normal that she doesn’t need incumbency to beat the weirdos?


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