Yellen Predicts ‘Much Lower Inflation’ in 2023. She’s Usually Wrong. – IOTW Report

Yellen Predicts ‘Much Lower Inflation’ in 2023. She’s Usually Wrong.

‘I don’t think we’re about to lose control of inflation,’ Yellen said last year, before US lost control of inflation.

WFB: Treasury secretary Janet Yellen said Sunday that she expects “much lower inflation” within the next year. But the Cabinet appointee has been consistently—and baselessly—optimistic about inflation since she joined the Biden administration.

“I believe by the end of next year you will see much lower inflation, if there’s not an unanticipated shock,” Yellen said in a Sunday appearance on 60 Minutes. The secretary cited reductions in shipping costs and delivery lags as evidence that high prices will soon be in the rearview.

Yellen made virtually the same prediction last year, when inflation was at a troubling 5.4 percent. “I don’t think we’re about to lose control of inflation,” Yellen said in October 2021, suggesting the resolution of supply chain issues would tame inflation within a year. By June 2022, however, inflation had surged to a 40-year high of 9.1 percent. MORE

17 Comments on Yellen Predicts ‘Much Lower Inflation’ in 2023. She’s Usually Wrong.

  1. So just like a smaller budget increase than last time is called a “budget cut”, now if inflation is less than the current 15%, they will all be congratulating themselves for stopping inflation.

  2. Real life financial fraudsters spotters request for more info from our Government.

    Are you allowed to claim lower inflationary numbers in the new revisions because of so many taxpayers dieing suddenly or in spite of so many vaccinated citizens dieing suddenly?

    Please answer that simple question.

  3. As I said 18 months ago, she is inetneionaly telling a lie. “Transitory Inflation” 5/21.

    As did the Bushe Nobel winner 41 years ago when Ronny disbanded Jimmy’s Oil/gs stabilization departments. he said Oil would be >$100/ bbl in 5 years and gas would be over $5.00 a gal in 3. @ years later oil was down 50% ($40 to $20) in 7 years gs was down 75%, to $0.889 a gal! He lied as she is!

    Leftist always lie.
    e.g “Compassionate Conservative”!

  4. How’s everyone enjoying their 7% tax this year compared to last year, according to the CP-LIE? It’s closer to 15% and closer to 50% if you like to buy food. Leftist LOVE taxes and hence inflation, every one of them in my neighborhood puts out yard signs in support higher taxes. They can’t figure out what to do with their money apparently.

  5. She doesn’t even hedge her lies convincingly. What’s with the current batch a lefty dimwits that think word salad can disguise that they are intentionally lying about nearly everything? Do they have a chatbot running their speech writing?

  6. Next up, the only way out of this inflation is to print massive amounts of money. And don’t forget we need price controls and rent control.
    They’re a one trick dog face ponies soldiers.

  7. “I don’t think we’re about to lose control of inflation,”

    That’s because inflation is gov’t POLICY – not some weird shit that falls out of the sky. What she’s implying is that the Retarded Pedophile Usurper Joey Biden’s inflation policy is right on schedule.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …


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