Yellow Vest Canadians Demand Less Immigration – IOTW Report

Yellow Vest Canadians Demand Less Immigration

h/t Vlad Tepes blog.

8 Comments on Yellow Vest Canadians Demand Less Immigration

  1. The western world stands by with hands in pockets watching the left dismantle societies.
    Even if is brought to a complete halt this very second it’s too late, our countries will never be the same again.

  2. “Don’t shoot me with a .44 Magnum!
    Use a .223! It be less!”

    “Don’t make me eat a pound of VX!
    Just give me an ounce! It be less!”

    “I don’t want to be bit by 1,000 fleas with the plague!
    Just let me be bit by 1! It be less!”

    Yep … there’s a reason …

    At any rate, God Bless em for standing up.

    izlamo delenda est …

  3. It’s the Trump Effect, Canadian style. Note, these people don’t have a Second Amendment to depend on. It’s not part of their culture or mindset. So they are timid about self defense, let alone citizen militia.


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