Yellowstone Offers Private Tour Guides – IOTW Report

Yellowstone Offers Private Tour Guides

He’ll get you to your destination. Real quick.
h/t Doc.

11 Comments on Yellowstone Offers Private Tour Guides

  1. The ABC News EIC vacationed in Italy. He was an avid bicyclist. Avid as in his pedal bikes cost more than his automobiles.

    Anyway, he wanted to bike up some hill in Italy. The indigenous wops said, “There is a bad pig up there. A dangerous pig”, however you say that in wop. He said he was a man and afraid of no pig, however you say that in arrogant EIC, bicycling moron turd.

    He was thrown off his bike by a big pig and ran and screamed and hid in the bushes. And then ran and screamed again.


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