Yellowstone tourist decides to take a break and sit down in a field of bison – IOTW Report

Yellowstone tourist decides to take a break and sit down in a field of bison


Despite repeated warnings from Park Rangers, a man visiting Yellowstone National Park was spotted taking a break and sitting in a field occupied by a herd of bison and their calves. Predictably this proved a bad idea, and he was forced to flee when one adult took exception to the intrusion and chased him away. 

19 Comments on Yellowstone tourist decides to take a break and sit down in a field of bison

  1. Touronsof yellowstone had one of their usual contributors get caught between a Sow Grizz and her cubs last week in the back country. He lived but he’s pretty tore up. They say bear spray saved his butt.

  2. Buffalo boys won’t you come out today and run like hell to escape being trampled to death by a pissed off buffalo. This guy was trying to establish a new Darwin award category of death by stupidity by assuming that buffalos are tame. Some people are just plain dumb to think they can mingle with buffalo.

  3. When I worked on a dairy farm we treated all livestock with respect and understanding that they could kill or maim us in a second, even if by accident.
    Especially the bulls. They were kept is special fields with extra heavy fencing and nobody was to enter unless in one of the old, beat up pickups.


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