Yes, Heidi, do tell us all about your “judgment” – IOTW Report

Yes, Heidi, do tell us all about your “judgment”

Patriot Retort: Last night Heidi Heitkamp faced off against her Republican opponent Kevin Cramer in a debate.

And the first thing she had to do was apologize for using the names of sexual assault survivors in an ad without their permission.


Obviously, that’s really not an ideal start to a debate for an incumbent senator who was 12 points behind in the latest poll of the race. It had to be done, but not a good look.

Yeah, no. It is definitely not a good look.

Heitkamp began sinking in the polls when she chose to ignore the people of her state and vote No on Brett Kavanaugh’s nomination.

And following that up with this egregious unforced error has pretty much sealed Heidi Heitkamp’s fate.

At this point there’s really no getting out of this mess for Heidi.

In the debate, Heidi defended her Kavanaugh vote in the most ironic way.

3 Comments on Yes, Heidi, do tell us all about your “judgment”

  1. Heidi, Claire and Liz all need some R&R at the Grey Bar Hotel for their various indiscretions!!

    What I really want to know is where the gal wound up at the end of the parking video, when all the crowd started gathering??

  2. It seems as though making unforced errors for the Left is their normal way of behaving. It boils down to unbridled hubris. She didn’t think because it never occurred to her or her campaign that they could possibly be offensive to anyone. These were women victims, after all, right? Wouldn’t they all just love to be mentioned by a woman representative? No matter what. Well. As it turns out. No. Hubris.

    So much for your identity politics, Brunheidi.

  3. Her opening statement was to first acknowledge that it was a mistake to reveal the names of victims, then she said that it really didn’t matter what the people of N.Dakota thought since her party was busy replacing them with third world beggars anyway. Then asked for the people to give her their vote so she could continue her important work.


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