Yes, I Still Hate Vocal Fry and It’s Getting Worse Out There, Not Better – IOTW Report

Yes, I Still Hate Vocal Fry and It’s Getting Worse Out There, Not Better

illustr8r sends me articles from time to time that are designed to rile me up, pick that scab and remind me of my hates. Good job with this one!

The Atlantic-

Vocal Fry May Hurt Women’s Job Prospects

In a new study, people said they were less likely to hire speakers who used the creaky-voiced affectation, particularly when they were female.
And it SHOULD hurt your job prospects. It’s the mark of a dummy. If you’re too stupid to understand that you were not born with that voice, and it’s an affectation that doesn’t have value, then you are not going to be hired by me.
And the Atlantic article has a terrible example of vocal fry. Zooey Deschanel is a piker compared to these gals.

18 Comments on Yes, I Still Hate Vocal Fry and It’s Getting Worse Out There, Not Better

  1. OMG! Nothing like an hitherto-unknown vocal disorder to make me completely and paralyzingly self-conscious.

    Do I talk like this ever? Do I want to find out? Who would I trust to tell me the truth?

    I may never speak again.

  2. While living in CA, I used to run into the women who spoke like they were always asking a question. For example:

    “I fell and broke my ankle? Aaaand it totally hurt?”

    And sometimes when they were actually asking a question, I couldn’t tell.

  3. Immature airheads trying to be sophisticated
    and blas̩. Major Fail Рthey just sound brain dead.
    BTW, Kim Kardashian and Katy Perry are both getting a little long in the tooth for this nonsense.

  4. So that’s what it’s called. We had an airhead lawyer in our office who croaked like that all the time, not just for inflection. I called her Froggy. I often wondered that she remembered how to breath much less manage to pass the bar.

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