Yes, the Left is that Stupid – IOTW Report

Yes, the Left is that Stupid

American Thinker:

By J.R. Dunn

We’ve been hearing a lot of speculation that the Afghan debacle is more than it seems – that rather than being a typical outcome of activity by some of the dumbest, most ill-informed, and most blinkered individuals ever to occupy places in the U.S government, it is instead a dark, convoluted conspiracy aimed at some goal sinister beyond words.

Some of this is from the usual suspects who see conspiracies every time a cat falls out of a tree, and some by more reputable people. The core concept here can be expressed simply: “There has to be something else going on. Nobody could be that stupid.”

Ah, my dear naïve children of the Springtime… I’m afraid that your first encounter with the real world remains before you.

It’s easy to see where such a conclusion comes from. The mindboggling nature of the decisions made and actions taken by Biden, Milley, and Austin et al speak for themselves: closing down your major base because the enemy asked you to… depriving your ally of technical and maintenance support, rendering all your high-tech weapons useless… leaving billions of dollars worth of military hardware to be scooped up by the enemy… attempting to send them billions more in cash… handing the enemy a list of the names (and presumably addresses) of the exact people he most wants to kill… leaving security in the hands of an enemy that more than anything in the world wants to embarrass, humiliate, and kill you…

At this point, we only need to turn to the words of French avant-gardist Jean Cocteau, which I translate as, “No matter how many times you deal with it, stupidity is always astonishing.”

Because not only can people be that stupid, they are, and have been, and will be, world without end.

A few examples will suffice:

  • On December 10, 1941, Adolf Hitler, in an outburst of flippancy rare in international affairs, declared war on the one nation capable of defeating him, a nation that at the moment was not in a political position to declare war on him first.
  • In January 1962, Decca Records rejected the Beatles: “Guitar music is on the way out.” MORE

h/t NAAC

14 Comments on Yes, the Left is that Stupid

  1. Love this quote from this article: The problem with the modern age is that stupidity has begun to think.” We have almost reached Peak Stupidity with the Obiden-Harris Maladminitration.

  2. I don’t buy that the left is stupid. They always get done what they want. If they misstep, they come right back at the same objectives. Stupid cripples itself at some point; the left has only advanced. Who controls all the branches of government?
    The fake conservatives must be stupid because the only gear in their clown car is Reverse.

    I do see conspiracies, not because I’m paranoid, but because greedy selfish traitors have found that they can get away with the GRANDEST of larcenies with no consequences. From the military-industrial complex, to the Pharma-quack doctor cabal, to the communist-teachers’ union army of cockroaches.
    Where am I mistaken?

  3. It’s ridiculous to attribute stupidity to evil people.
    And as for that “conspiracy theory” canard, does anyone imagine that conspiracies don’t exist? The First Triumvirate was a conspiracy to control Rome. As was the Second Triumvirate. As was Catiline’s. As was the Munich Putsch. Any time two or more people decide upon some nefarious scheme (actually, any scheme), a conspiracy is formed. FDR, Churchill, and Stalin conspired to defeat National Socialism – they made secret arrangements behind closed doors.
    When Pelosi, Gruber, and Obola decided to foist a socialized medical plan on the United States by stealth and trickery; that WAS a conspiracy – in that they conspired to do it – hiding their intents and purposes.
    Biden, Pelosi, Milley, Hoyer, Obola, Jarrett, Psaki – ALL OF THEM – are evil – they could not hold their positions (nor have attained them) if they were stupid.

    izlamo delenda est …

  4. Why does it have to be one or the other? I think these people are both stupid AND evil. Plus: they have no desire or ability to engage in self-reflection or self-improvement, as they never suffer the consequences of their bad decisions and absurd ambitions.

    It is their simpleminded focus on power that enables their ambition AND their utter lack of shame that allows them to enjoy the fruits of their wicked deeds without compunction.

    And it is the inability of decent and intelligent people to comprehend the level of audacity and stupidity in the world that allows it to thrive. We actually think hard work and honesty will be rewarded and that cheating and bullying will result in failure. Sorry, that’s in the next life; in this one, we are going to have to realize there are dumb wicked people who will cause us harm if we don’t take them seriously. They are not hard to spot; we simply seem to have a hard time believing just how inept AND depraved they are –and how much damage they can cause.

  5. I think this essay is worth reading – BUT I disagree with it. I think Hanlon’s Razor has been stood on its head by these scheming elected and unelected bastards. If stupidity were the primary driver of what is happening to our Nation, it seems to me that certainly one could expect at least a 1 in 3 chance of a positive outcome. And I have NOT invested in tin foil futures…

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