NYPOST: There is only one true statement in President Biden’s distasteful, hypocritical pardon of his son: “It is clear that Hunter was treated differently.”
Indeed. Had Hunter Biden not been the son of a vice president, he would not have been able to earn millions as a political fixer for companies and con artists around the world.
Had Hunter not been the scion of a presidential candidate, his numerous crimes of tax evasion, failing to register as a foreign agent, and gun violations would not have been delayed and ignored, nor would he have been given a sweetheart plea deal.
Had Hunter not been the son of a Democrat whom the media desperately needed to beat Donald Trump, his unethical misdeeds would not have been ignored by journalists.
Had Hunter’s family and friends not been plugged into the deep state, then the truth about his abandoned laptop would not have been censored by Facebook and Twitter, cowed as they were by Democratic-aligned intelligence officials.
So yes, Hunter Biden was treated differently — his entire life has been that of a spoiled man-child who has coasted on his family name, dodged all responsibilities, and failed upward. more here
It would be really cool if the scumbag overdoses while he celebrates the pardon his shitbag father lifted him.
I’d never excuse the actions of a ‘grown man’ but the parents have to shoulder the blunt of this disaster.
Yes, treated differently. Certainly, since he was pardoned by his creepy old man.
May not be able to prosecute, but how about seizing the assets from the Biden crime family. What comes around, goes around.
Spoiled, pretty common issue. Add money and power and it gets worst.
No matter, they are both going to ‘enjoy’ Hell.
Biden supporters are like cockroaches running behind refrigerator now that the light has been turned on. Next year they’re gonna be harder to find than a Nazi in 1946!
Classic from Iowahawk posted on X:
“You, loser: Tweeting your pardon predictions all thru November.
Me, genius: Spending November legally changing my name to Robert Hunter Biden.”
I just hope and pray that the bidens are saved from the wrath of men only to be served up for the Wrath of God. They are not worth my time and effort to do them any harm. I have better things to do with my free time than to think about those losers. They sold their souls for their kingdom here on earth and not in heaven. For in Heaven, we won’t need any of the earthly things from here.
Hunter has his reward. Joe will have his. Don’t complain…or gloat.
As always, the Brandon crime family overlooked one salient detail. The Bum can never plead the 5th if called into court as a material witness or whatever, he is compelled to testify or go to jail until he does.
Also, the pardon does not preclude civil suits by which their little empire can be socked for every penny if found liable.
Not for nothing did Dear Old Dad graduate in the bottom 9th of his law school class.
Was Hunter having sex with his underage niece /step daughter prior to January 2014? If so, he is still criminally liable. In fact, the presidential pardon is only for Federal crimes. If only we had conservative DAs.
The huge pile of excrement in this is to be smeared on ALL the criminal vermin in the Federal Government.
NO ONE ever stepped in meaningfully to stop or even slow down this crime family syndicate.
In fact, SO MANY US Senators, on the record, spoke glowingly about their FRIEND and collegue, the brazenly obvious traitor/asshole Joe now-Shitpants Biden.
McCain, Graham, Schuckles, Pelosy, Harry Reid (remember that asshole?), Mancin, McConnell, Boehner, etal, ad infin !!!!!
Enough excrement not just to smear, but to SUFFOCATE them all in it.
If Biden is not really pardoning his son but is actually doing this to pardon his (Yoseph Biden’s) crimes that will be exposed if his son ends up under questioning in court, then, essentially, he is attempting to pardon his own crimes that would surface if his son ends up in court.
THUS, under Federal Law and/or the Constitution, can a currently serving president pardon his own Federal crimes committed while a Senator, Vice President and current President?
How far back does the data go on the laptop?
Does it incriminate any of the other Biden family members?