Yes, There Are 2020 Sleepers…And It’s Not Hard To Figure Out Who They Are – IOTW Report

Yes, There Are 2020 Sleepers…And It’s Not Hard To Figure Out Who They Are

TownHall- I don’t know what to tell you people. The polls are a mess again this year. And yes, there are shy Trump voters out there. If you thought the Left’s viscousness was terrible in 2016 was bad—and it was—these folks rioted in the streets all summer. They burned cities to the ground. Destroyed countless livelihoods with their looting and wanton arson. And they’re more than willing to doxx you and harass you in public. So, do you really want to publicly voice who you’re supporting? Given what we’ve seen all summer, and living in a liberal area, I’d just screw around with these so-called pollsters if they ever called me. 

Yet, one firm, CloudResearch, decided to simply look into the shy voter theory and asked a simple and general follow-up question in their survey: “Are you comfortable in truthfully disclosing the presidential candidate you intend to vote for in a telephone poll?” In September, they released their results which showed that “shy Trump voters” are again out there:

11.7% of Republicans say they would not report their true opinions about their preferred presidential candidate on telephone polls. 

In contrast, just 5.4% of Democrats say they’d be reluctant to share their true voting intentions — roughly half the number of Republicans reluctant to tell the truth on phone polls. 

10.5% of Independents fell into the “shy voter” category, just a percentage point lower than how Republicans react to phone polls.  

After asking about people expressing their true opinions on telephone calls, we then inquired about their preferred candidate. This ordering was important as we did not want to fall into the same trap as other pollsters who tend to lead with preference declarations. When we broke the responses down based on current Trump vs Biden supporters, we found the following:

10.1% of Trump supporters said they were likely to be untruthful on phone surveys — double the number of Biden supporters (5.1%) reticent to share their true intentions.

When respondents indicated that they were untruthful during polls, we followed up to confirm those responses, and then inquired as to why “shy voters” are concerned about sharing their voting intentions…

The firm added the top reasons for those being uncomfortable with the pollsters was due to “a lack of trust in phone polls as truly being anonymous., an apprehension to associate their phone numbers with recorded responses, fear that their responses will become public in some manner [no surprise], fear of reprisal and related detrimental impact to their financial, social, and family lives should their political opinions become publicly known, and a general dislike of phone polls.” more

21 Comments on Yes, There Are 2020 Sleepers…And It’s Not Hard To Figure Out Who They Are

  1. With an iPhone which identifies the caller as either someone on my contacts list or “unknown caller”, I never answer the latter. If a call from someone not on my contacts list is important enough, that caller should give a voicemail message.
    First, I block any and all unknown callers.
    Second, if I get a voicemail from a blocked number and it is for me, I unblock.
    How many people actually answer a pollster?

  2. Living in California, we have learned we must go underground or risk having our homes burned down, cars destroyed or offices looted….the tolerant Left is nothing of the sort and when that curtain closes or the pen comes out in my home, you damn well better believe I am voting for TRUMP and hope to have the same delicious smirk on my face on November 4th that I did in 2016. Otherwise our country is lost for good!

  3. Anecdotally, my observations during my daily commute through rural Virginia, I take a count of signs for both parties, plus another of people who simply display an American flag in their yards. I equate flying an American flag as a shy Trump voter. Democrats aren’t really into patriotism or western religiosity.

    My informal count shows Trump up 70-30, at a minimum.

    Wife and I are Trump supporters but you’ll see no signs as we don’t really have street frontage and don’t wish to be targeted.

  4. All we get are push polls, where they try to coerce tou into changing your answer. My brother answered he was voting for President Trump. Follow-up question. “Didn’t it bother you that he only paid $750 in taxes? They didn’t want his opinion, they wanted to change his opinion.

  5. We’ve gone to Trump trains and a Support The Blue rally for the last 4 weekends in our small hill country town. Most of us show up at the meeting spot in front of the constables office and put our flags up and at the end we meet again and take them off before leaving. Last Saturday was a national MAGA drag the interstate and Houston reported they had several vehicles try to hit them, a gun was brandished, things were thrown at vehicles and someone came close enough to try to rip off a side mirror. Some other cities reported the same behavior and angry lunatics trying to jump in the parade and cause issues. And that doesn’t even take into account some of the hilarious off the wall reactions we see. Angry liberals pull over and try to intimidate people taking photos of license plates etc. No doubt there are a lot of people that don’t want any part of this harassment. We decided this election is too important not to show our enthusiasm but we keep our eye out because these people have seriously lost their minds.

  6. Not quite related but when I get unsolicited phone calls esp. at dinner i act interested enough to get the caller going and then I blast very very loudly with an ice hockey whistle into the phone receiver.

    The Hockey ones apparently have a slightly shriller tone.
    (FOX 40 Superforce CMG)

    Sadly, no one calls me much anymore….

  7. The polls, assuming they are being faked for Biden, serve the purpose of priming the left for violent uprising if he loses by claiming a Trump win was illegitimate and fraudulent.

    I wonder how many people will be setting around with loaded guns on election night, people on both sides of the aisle, primed and ready to deal with the other side when the hell breaks out if it does?

    We’re in dangerous times, be prepared to handle them in the manner you best see fit if you need to.

  8. We have no land line and have never received a pollster call on our cells. So far, so good.

    I simply wouldn’t answer any questions from a pollster. I don’t like surveys of any kind. Too little privacy these days without volunteering info, right?

  9. I always answer polls, I tell the truth on how I am going to vote, slam leftist candidates. When they ask for demographics, I am whatever the last person I saw on TV. The trick is to keep them on the phone as long as possible.

  10. @Uncle Al, like I’ve always said Trump supporters have better things to do during the day besides sit at home waiting for the phone to ring and it be a pollster, that’s what non-working liberals do! We are out there keeping the economy going and don’t have time to take bullshit poll questions…we have a life, and it’s AMERICAN!

  11. Jpm OCTOBER 7, 2020 AT 5:28 PM

    The proper question for the poster to ask, according to Victor David Hanson, is who do you think your neighbor is going to vote for? That gets the real answer

    Not sure I can follow the logic on that. I’m pretty darn sure I’m the only Trump voter on the block.

    Little American flags I put on my truck are broken by morning. When I leave with a couple of rifles in their bags I get snide remarks from a neighbor that’s otherwise a good neighbor.

    I’m also in the minority being white.

  12. I think Mrs. Clinton was leading President Trump by about 50 points at this time in the last election.
    Could be wrong.

    But I (also) think that with Joey leading by such a large margin, a good many of his supporters can safely stay home. No reason to get off the couch and risk breaking a bottle of Muscatel.

    izlamo delenda est …

  13. Living in the Democratic People’s Republic of Vermont I would never ever admit to siding with Trump. It’s a sure way to lose job and acquaintances, and get one’s car keyed. No, Sir. I don’t need to let anyone but a trusted few know about my political opinions. It’s OK: no one will ever stop me from voting for my man. Better to live like a Marrano during the Spanish Inquisition than to be cancelled.

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