Yes We Did – IOTW Report

Yes We Did

Obama said we can’t drill our way to energy independence. Actually, we did.


Believe it or not, there was a time when a seemingly large, definitely vocal group of U.S. political leaders told us we must reduce America’s dependence on fossil fuels – particularly oil.  “We are running out of oil,” they said.  “We can’t compete with OPEC,” they insisted to us.  And of course, the most famous warning they gave us: “We can’t drill our way out of this.”

This came mostly from Democrats.  In 2012, no less an authority than Barack Obama told us that calling for increased production by increased drilling – “drill, baby, drill,” he called it – was not a plan, but rather “a bumper sticker.”  Mr. Obama assured us, “You know, we can’t just drill our way to lower gas prices,” as if all the people who disagreed with him were simply refusing to admit that, deep down, they were wrong and he was right.

But what went widely unreported during the Obama years is that advances in the two technologies that are most responsible for increased drilling efficiency – industrial fracturing (aka fracking) and horizontal drilling – were creating a revolution in the U.S. energy industry.  Production became much more efficient, even though Obama opposed these technologies.  He later tried to take credit for the results – while conveniently leaving out the fact that due to his administration’s extreme reluctance to permit drilling on federal land, all of the increase in production came from private and state-owned land.  In case you were wondering, the same goes for natural gas.  How reluctant was Obama to permit drilling on federal land?  MORE

20 Comments on Yes We Did

  1. Meh, if Barry (or any other prog asshats) said something, you can be sure that it’s a lie to weaken America and/or strengthen her enemies, especially our quisling political class.

  2. We have once again been shown that obama and his lackeys in the MSM are proved wrong. Not just a little mistaken, but absolutely, 100%, totally WRONG.

    This is not the first and will NOT be the last time we find out that what obama and his lapdogs said from 2007 until today has been lies.

    “The most transparent administration” is one of obama’s biggest whoppers, yet the MSM still regurgitate it despite the fact that it was the MSM press who were cut off by obama. Why would he do such a thing? Even today with the with the facts becoming clear to the American people about just how corrupt the obama reign had been and continue to be, we still see the MSM covering for obama and excusing his treason and corruption even to the point of refusing to report the news for fear that their master will not be pleased.

    Those Rino’s who reside comfortably inside the deep state will need to be brought into the light kicking and screaming. Those deep state actors who have corrupted the Federal Government and those who have weaponized the people’s government AGAINST the people will be exposed and brought to justice.

    Eph 5:11 Have nothing to do with the fruitless deeds of darkness, but rather expose them. 12 It is shameful even to mention what the disobedient do in secret. 13 But everything exposed by the light becomes visible—

  3. Sounds like somebody’s got a case of the “can’ts”

    Obama is a Muzzlo-Marxist ideologue. It’s not that anyone can’t do something as much as he won’t do something.

    Saying Muzzloids founded America. Subjugating a pro-US foreign policy to the child molesting Tolleybon. Funding ISIS.

    I’m surprised dicks don’t fall out of his mouth every time he talks.

  4. Obummer and the Democrats have their vision of the movie “Elysium” where the Democrat Elite live above the Earth, ruling from a luxury space station. Meanwhile, everybody else lives on Eart to serve them under the guise of One World Government.

  5. Lying was mainstreamed by politicians of all stripes and thieves with vested interests. Though not new, it is practiced on unprecedented scale worldwide.

    Remember “peak oil”? Even the oh so generally accepted term “fossil fuel” is based on theory. “The theory that fossil fuels formed from the fossilized remains of dead plants[4] by exposure to heat and pressure in the Earth’s crust over millions of years[5] was first introduced by Georgius Agricola in 1556 and later by Mikhail Lomonosov in the 18th century.”

    Imagine how low gas prices would be right now if were weren’t engaged in the environmentally catastrophic folly of corn-sourced ethanol?!!!!! It is not a worthy fuel, it is NOT economical, yet it is MANDATORY by US law. What a crock of thieving shit !

    Hope the globe has a nice WARM day.

  6. Even if gasoline were FREE it would cost $0.71 /gal.
    The gov’t makes more on each gallon of gasoline than do the oil companies.
    As Anonymous points out, we are drowning in a tsunami of Mendacity.

    It started (if Herodotus is believed) with Cyrus. Lying was frowned upon, the world over, until Cyrus attained the ultimate power in Persia through lies and deceit. Hence, every politician the world over has utilized the lie to obtain power over his fellows – to the detriment of civility, probity, and honest government.

    Though I doubt that mankind was honest and forthright previously, lying in public DID secure you a death sentence, where now we applaud and bestow accolades (and lots of money).

    izlamo delenda est …

  7. @MSG Grumpy February 16, 2018 at 7:52 am

    > we still see the MSM covering for obama and excusing his treason and corruption even to the point of refusing to report the news for fear that their master will not be pleased

    That’s not their fear. When you “just shoved the bodies in”, you never want to draw attention to the real killers.

  8. With oil now at $65 per barrel, gas at the pump SHOULD be cheaper, but so much is being exported, and so many blue states have increased taxes, regular unleaded is over $3 a gallon, diesel even more.

  9. @Tim, you should ™ your “tsunami of mendacity” phrase.

    Obola was most definitely an overachieving liar, but Congress chose to luxuriate in his shade, rather than vet and prosecute that traitor.

  10. Democrats are selectively ignorant of the benefits of engineering technology. Remember when Jimmy Carter predicted we would run out of oil in 25 to 50 years? Now they push the end of the world via AGW in 25 to 50 years. These folks are the party of the simple minded and easily cowed.

  11. The simple reason the progressive movement has such a hate on for these energy policies is that it cuts their allies, the middle eastern State supported radical islamist terrorists, out of the loop and dries up the funds they use to fund their war on western civilization in general and America in particular.

  12. This is never mentioned, but foreign countries have been funding propaganda against US fracking and oil exploration for years. They have also been paying vast sums of money to politicians and environmental groups to oppose US energy exploitation.

    Trump told them all to go to hell. He want the USA to dominate energy production.

    I am not tired of winning.


  13. @Tim
    “Even if gasoline were FREE it would cost $0.71 /gal.”

    Nope. It would be a $1.49/gal. in PA, because we have the highest STATE tax on gas in the nation, @ $.78/gal. 😮

    And TRUST me – the state of PA has even LESS to do with the production of anything USEFUL, than the Feds do! 😡

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