Yet Another Anonymously Sourced Trump-Russia Story Falls Apart – IOTW Report

Yet Another Anonymously Sourced Trump-Russia Story Falls Apart

Yet Another Anonymously Sourced Trump-Russia Story Falls Apart

Once again, a huge Trump-Russia story that relied upon anonymous sources has fallen apart.

NBC News dropped what the network hyped as a “potential bombshell” last week. “Manafort Notes From Russian Meet Contain Cryptic Reference to ‘Donations,’” the original headline read. The story claimed that Manafort’s notes from the 2016 Trump Tower meeting with White House aide Jared Kushner, Donald Trump Jr. and a Russian lawyer included the word “donations” near a reference to the Republican National Committee.

9 Comments on Yet Another Anonymously Sourced Trump-Russia Story Falls Apart

  1. New narrative – The Media is colluding with Putin to commit the silent coup against Trump. They are communists at heart, they have no problem with Communist Party USA and other hard-core commie groups supporting Democrats. Hence why they never ask any Democrat to denounce Communism.

  2. “…two sources briefed on the evidence told NBC News…”

    The sources are briefed, and the media getsd pantsed. But like Mr. Anth Ropy said, it’s just another chance to reinforce old, busted narratives for the lofos.

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