Yet More Corruption in Horrifyingly Corrupt South Africa – IOTW Report

Yet More Corruption in Horrifyingly Corrupt South Africa


South Africa has been bleeding money in recent years, but it’s also lost professionals and the wealthy whites who have kept the nation running.  The fleeing whites have been running to the safety of other nations because of poor working conditions in South Africa, including legal affirmative action making jobs and job advancement impossible for whites.  The South African Fin 24 reported, “About 3,000 super-rich have left SA in the past 10 years.”

Sensible whites are fleeing the nation because of multiple problems with race relations, banking, crime, unemployment, health problems with 19% of the population infected with HIV, educational problems with inadequate buildings and dangerous latrines where kids have fallen in and drowned, and political corruption.  It is a seething volcano about to explode.

Rape is common in the major cities, with one man in three admitting to having raped at least one woman and over 25% of women have been victims.  A woman is more likely to be raped than learn to read.  The crimes are seldom investigated and litigated.  If litigated, seldom are there any serious consequences.

Thievery abounds in all areas of society, and every person looks out for himself.  Everyone in any place of authority seems to have his hand out.  There seems to be a mania to get the bribe before someone else does, as recent hearings have proven.

The government is finally looking into corruption charges against one of the major corporations.  Corruption charges have even reached the sitting President and the top six leaders of the ruling African National Congress (ANC).  ANC leaders admit that the Zondo Commission corruption hearings will have a major impact on the national election in May.  read more

21 Comments on Yet More Corruption in Horrifyingly Corrupt South Africa

  1. I wonder if there will come a point where whites are not allowed to leave the country. That they be ordered to stay and work at their jobs keeping the country running and (in the case of farmers) sort of fed and all of them working under black masters who gain their compliance by threatening their families. I wonder what the UN will do then.

  2. I know a machinist from S.A.
    He builds insane 4 cyl. hot rod
    engines.I won’t deal with him
    anymore because he and his wife are out
    of their minds right now because they have
    family members in S.A. that they cannot
    get out…

  3. Does this pattern sound familiar?
    Every former colony in Africa has descended into hellish nightmares.
    Ebola rampant and us with open borders

  4. I am surprised there wasn’t a bloodbath ten years ago.
    When it starts it will happen fast and go like wildfire,
    like Rwanda did as Clinton sat on his hands.

  5. @ SCR and Uncle Al – hopefully there are armed and ammo stocked to the TEETH to shoot their way out if, ‘by any means necessary’ of course.

    If not evacuate most will hunker down and will defend their farms…to death.

    What a fucking existence…America in how long would anyone here say??

    We all will be DEAD but our children and grand children will have to deal with the Nihilism.

  6. Watch the fun when all the farms stop producing, I heard the natives have little or no mechanical skills. Might be a problem when the tractors fall apart.

  7. Billy Fuster:

    Not necessarily. The likes of obama, maxine waters, omar, etc. are there because of white leftists and liberals.

    If Clarence Thomas, Thomas Sowell, Lt. Col. Allen West, Candace Owens, Herman Cain, Alan Keyes, Larry Elder, J.C. Watts, Rev Jesse Lee Peterson, Lynn Swan, Sheryl Underwood, Stacey Dash, T.D. Jakes, Armstrong Williams, Janice Rogers Brown, Walter Williams, Deroy Murdock, Roy Innis, Niger Innis, Shelby Steele, John McWhorter, Amy Holmes, Angela McGlowan, Ken Blackwell, Stanley Crouch, Joseph C. Phillips, Dale Wainwright, Winsome Sears, Alphonso Jackson, Carol Miller Swain, Peter Boulware, etc were representative of the black political class in America instead of the shit that is obama, shaprton, waters, obmar etc., we’d be all be color blind.

    The shit that is sharpton, obama, etc. could not exist – nor get elected in the first place – without the work of the likes of soros and his gang.

    The left tries very hard to infest the government with the worst garbage possible, so as to destroy it.

    We have to take a lot of blame for letting them do it. After all, we did REPEATEDLY hire boehner, mcconnell, mccain etc. to protect us, didn’t we?

    We finally got smart with Trump, but we have to stay the course.

    The problem isn’t ‘negroes.’ It’s leftists. They wreak destruction in every color and religion. Just look at that malignant idiot who is pope.

  8. @ anonymous & anonymous,
    Yes, here in the U.S.A. we are blessed to have strong, intelligent, thoughtful and conservative black people…. blessed I say!
    trouble is, most third world shitholes have tyrants (black or otherwise) who utilize nepotism and violently beat down any opposition. In afrika, most of these tyrants are negros……
    Afrika is a big continent, so I will not presume to know the facts, but based on my reading……..
    I do not have a racist bone in my body. I want to love everyone. Communists and islamists must all die!
    “Speaking the truth in times of universal deceit is a revolutionary act.” Geo. Orwell

  9. Anonymous,
    Look at the percentages.
    How many “blacks” support “Limited Government” as opposed to “blacks” who don’t?
    How many “whites” support “Limited Government” as opposed to “whites” who don’t?
    Name some “scientific” giants: how many are “black,” how many are “white?”
    (this can be further broken down by “jewish,” “scots,” “engrish,” “chinese,” &c.)
    Name some “great” statesmen of the past, say, 200 years – how many “black,” how many “white?”
    Money guys?
    Military guys?
    Yada, yada, yada …

    Choose your own criteria – but if you exclude Ball Players and Rappers, I think you’ll get the drift.

    And keep in mind that Africa is the cradle of humanity!
    Pretty fukkin weird …

    izlamo delenda est …

  10. Tim,

    The argument is now whether one race is dumber than another: it’s the corruption of the leadership. Follow Rev. Jesse Lee Peterson, who grew up in the South, and moved north, where he founded the basis for his conservatism: he grew up in a South where there was segregation, but there were black families, black lawyers, doctors, etc.

    After the migration of blacks to inner cities of the North, they and their families suffered cultural destruction at the hands of the leftist/liberal welfare system. No accident, either. The family unit decminated, and young being raised without discipline of fathers, the future generations of inner city blacks gave us the likes of al shaprton. And, of course, obama.

    There’s a reason such a large percentage of black people have criminal records: they grow up being taught crime pays. Who teaches them that? Al Shaprton. Obama. Maxine Waters. Bill Ayers. Hillary Clinton.

    You can’t blame someone for the way they were brought up, but you can blame them for continuing to behave like an animal after they understand the root of their problem and they are offered a way out.

    Unfortuantely, we are at war with the globalist/swamp/democrat/islamic axis withn and outside of our country. Leftist pawns in that war are the poor, and in particular, inner city blacks. (What would the likes of obama sell without having hate to sell?)

    Your anger at blacks should be directed at the people who created and continue to the spiral of their disfunctional inner city culture. That said, black people who commit crimes or behave like an animal should suffer the consequences. But those consequences have to be shared to the people who create them. And btw, we now have white animals as bad as any black, thanks to the surrender of our educational systems to the left.

  11. “… Your anger at blacks …”

    Yo! I have no “anger” at blacks! Or negroes. Or anybody else.

    Did you attempt to answer the questions posed?
    What’s “race” got to do with it?
    “Race” is an amorphous term. In a “scientific” sense, it means absolutely nothing. Negroids and Caucasoids and Mongoloids can (and do) breed and produce viable (that is; reproducible) offspring.

    So, what are the divisions that produce the disparities?

    Seek, and ye shall find.
    (sorry I was so vague that my meanings were lost)

    izlamo delenda est …

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