I didn’t realize it was this bad. I’ve never looked this up before.
Reagan vs Carter 1980 electoral map.
“Reagan won the election in a landslide with 489 Electoral College votes to Carter’s 49, and 50.7% of the popular vote to Carter’s 41.0%. Anderson won 6.6% of the popular vote and no electoral votes.”

You can kinda understand Georgia but Minnesota has always been a socialist trainwreck
So in this perspective, Carter was the worst President!
In every other catagory, Jackass Joe takes the cake!
West Virginia? WUT???
I demand a to recount!
The last time my home shit-hole Maryland went Republican in a Presidential election was Reagans second run against Mondale.
Proof that America is stupider now than it was 44 years ago.
Georgia went for the Peanut Farmer, VP Mondale was from Minnesota. What a rout. I remember that election, was in US Marines at the time.
Minnesota stuck on stupid.
Think that was fun? Check out the 1984 election: Fritz & Tits won Minnesota and The Peoples Republic is D.C. 525 to 13 win for The Gipper. But of course, that was back when America was for Americans.
Jesse “the body” Ventura was Minnesota’s governor for a while 20-25 years ago and even he was a far better governor than tampon timmy. And he got made more fun of than tampon timmy but it was all in good humor, timmy not so much. Is it so cold that in Minnesota during the winter that people don’t have any common sense when it comes to electing politicians. Do their brains freeze up or what.
Remember, this was before Soros, the queer mafia, tech and corporate overlords, illegal invasions, the internet, the complete socialism take over of the media, culture and educational systems.
Despite the Hippie movement, budding drug and gang crisis, most Americans in 1980 still had intact common sense and decent principles not corrupted yet. Carter was a disaster and people back then could discern that fact…even Democrats.
Geoff- Minnesota patented Brain Freeze. Their second product wuz Deep Freeze.
I was in middle school when that happened. The WWII generation was retiring and I was their paper boy. I had to go door to door and collect the paper subscription fee’s every month, and at points it was kind of surreal. Those men had bottled the war up for 35 years. They didn’t talk, they didn’t brag, they could barely reminice… By the time I came around, it was like they knew they’d failed their own kids, failed to pass on what they’d seen and experienced, and they wanted to talk to me to make up for it. I had a Utah beach survivor, two Okinawa Marines, one had been bayoneted by a child, three North Africa & Italy Infantry… And a young guy that finished basic just as the war ended that they kept in after the war so the vets could go home, who got to participate in one of the first atom bomb vs. Infantry tests. He was the only member of his unit to live to retirement.
On the whole, they were… Well I’d describe it as “******* p***ed off”, but that’s not how they rolled. They were “very very unhappy” with the 70’s economic situation and the direction of the country. Carter had squandered their economy, exposed American weakness on the world stage, and given away one of their Grandfather’s crowning achievement’s, the Panama Canal. And they all stood in line to vote that year!
if we had honest elections 2020 and/or 2024 would have looked similar for Trump.
Reagan’s people wanted him to make one more stop in MN for a clean sweep in ’84, but Reagan didn’t want to completely humiliate Mondale.
Trump, I don’t doubt, would have.
True Mondale barely won his own state of Minnesota by 2,700 votes or 0.18%.
Likely their first cheat in miscounting.
Keep that map in mind while they lionize Carter as they lay him to rest. As president, he was a one term failure.
And now the feds are going to have another national holiday in January no thanks to joey on Jan. 9th for jimmah carta’s funeral. And Jan. 20th which is also coincidentally as well as ironically MLK Day and President Trump’s inauguration as our 47th president. YEE HAW!