Yoko Ono Finally Gets Her Share Of The Blame For ‘Imagine’ – IOTW Report

Yoko Ono Finally Gets Her Share Of The Blame For ‘Imagine’


Daily Caller:

For almost 50 years, an injustice has been done to John Lennon’s memory. I always assumed that “Imagine” was all his fault. Not so.

Jem Aswad, Variety:

At the annual meeting of the National Music Publishers Association in New York on Wednesday, Yoko and Sean Ono Lennon received the organization’s new Centennial Song award for John Lennon’s legendary 1971 song “Imagine” — and Yoko received more than that. NMPA CEO David Israelite showed a video from 1980 wherein John said that Yoko deserved a songwriting credit for “Imagine” because of her influence and inspiration on it —  more

55 Comments on Yoko Ono Finally Gets Her Share Of The Blame For ‘Imagine’

  1. I would rather listen to a four inch thick glass rod of infinite length being fed into a chipper shredder than subject these ears to anything that barnacle put her hand to.
    Lennon was a tool, but he made decent music despite her manipulation.

  2. This album gave substance to what we musicians always suspected, that McCartney was the musician in the group. Lennon, drug inspired pscychedelic poetry. Didn’t need it then. Don’t need it now. Listen to “She’s Leaving Home” off of Sgt Pepper. Nuff said!

  3. I own cocktail napkins that show a husband and wife complaining about party guests overstaying their welcome.
    “They won’t leave. Put on the Yoko Ono album.”

  4. Some people you cannot let them hold a microphone, but she would always seem to grab the closest Mic that wasn’t hers. I think the soundman was on to her and was ready to turn it down from watching the YouTube videos of her and whoever she was with.

  5. Green Tambourine sucked too but not as bad as anything by Bobby Goldsborough especially Watching Snotty Grow and Harper Valley PTA by Jeanie C. Riley which was played at least 5-6 times an hr. if not more on top 40 radio stations until it became annoying as hell.

  6. Yoko’s still digging her spoon into that big ole mound of Lennon money.

    Beta loser, too cheap to pay a bodyguard in crime ridden NYC. If he had, he’d still be alive. And he would have divorced gold digger Yoko decades ago.

  7. Best suicide song EVAH:

    Seasons in the Sun by Terry Jacks.

    I read a story once in which the narrator was stuck in his apartment for a week. His neighbor went on vacation and left “Seasons in the Sun” playing on the stereo, sound coming through the walls, over… and over… and over….

    The narrator lost his mind and hooked up with the Krishnas.

    Speaking of Krishnas (and trying to stay roughly on topic), I hear George Harrison isn’t doing to well these days. 🙂

  8. @geoff — If Coven had converted to Islam, like Cat Stevens

    Listens Arabs to a hadeeth
    That was uttered long ago
    By the Man who went to Mountain
    To Medinan folk below
    In Medina were three Jew tribe
    Driven out, for they did spurn
    All the teachings of the Prophet
    But they vowed they would return

    Go ahead and love the Jew pigs
    Go ahead and be their friend
    Do it in the name of World Peace
    We’ll all roast for it in the end
    There wont be any white doves flying
    O’er the Pit of Fire
    On the blazing morning after
    One grim prophet vent his ire

    So the children of the Jew tribes
    Came to reclaim Palestine
    And this shocked the Arab people
    Zionist plot they did malign
    Came an answer from the Jew tribes
    With all Arabs we will share
    All the freedom of our nation
    All the riches created there

    Now the Arabs were rejoicing
    No more hardships, peaceful path
    So they embraced the Jewish peoples
    Soon to earn AL Mahdi’s wrath
    Comes now winds and rains of fire
    To make the living envy the dead
    And the Mahdi appeared before them
    “Kill the Jews”
    Was all he said

    Go ahead and love the Jew pigs
    Go ahead and be their friend
    Do it in the name of World Peace
    We’ll all burn for it in the end
    There wont be any white doves flying
    Come the judgment day
    On the blazing morning after
    One grim Prophet has his way

  9. “John said that Yoko deserved a songwriting credit for “Imagine” because of her influence and inspiration on it…”

    …meaning her screaming and farting?

  10. Actual comeback I made once to a classmate who was pissed off at me because I wasn’t rending my garments sufficiently over John Lennon’s death

    Hipster classmate ..But, he was against the war, Ma-a-a-a-a-n.

    Me: I know, but I managed to forgive him for that

  11. @Davy – Some Beatles songs suck, some don’t, and some are very good. They did, after all, record a lot of music. The four of them were funny and personable early on, then they became too damned pretentious for my tastes.

  12. One difference between all these other songs and “Imagine” is

    Noone sings “Yummy, Yummy Yummy”, or “Seasons in the Sun” or “Watching Scotty Blow” after a Muslim atrocity

  13. It might be better that we’re missing 2 Beatles because they can’t reunite like some of the other dinosaur bands.
    Can you imagine?
    The Flab Four.
    And yes. I did say Imagine.

  14. My brother whose name is Scott actually was the one who came up with Watching Snotty Grow, he hates that song as much as I do. And McArthur Park just because. And My Dingaling by Chuck Berry. Why was this juvenile song about choking his chicken his #1 song ever? I don’t get it.

  15. OK Good morning starshine I think was by some dude named Oliver.
    Which I can take listening to more than I can “imagine’, ‘come together’ and ‘hey jude’. UGH!!!
    Paul was the only one with talent and George was the prettiest. There. I said it.

  16. Lennon hanging around Yoko means he was drugged (yeah, I know) and deaf. He left a wife and child in England for THAT!? Ohh wait. I get it. Yoko was his punishment for that.
    Carry on.

  17. Those are all noteworthy bad songs but what about “drove my Chevy to the levee, but the levee was dry”. I can still picture all the hippy chicks at school singing that damn song. I disliked it the first time I heard it.

  18. Never liked that song. First, the recording sounds like it was done under water. Very muffled. Second, the lyrics are idiotic and vapid. Imagine no possessions? Really, John? I didnt see him give up any of his and live like a pauper. Some of Lennon’s songs are top notch…this one bites.

  19. Lennon made $millions off “Imagine”. There’s a recent biography that shows him as an eager Cockney capitalist. Tightfisted and cheap but totally focused on churning out profitable commercial hits, then milking every penny.
    He was also one of those guys who’s convinced he’s the smartest guy in every room. Which makes these guys ridiculously easy to manipulate.

    If Lennon had lived he would have churned out the same crappy Muzak as McCartney fir the last 40 years. Several ex wives would have taken him to the cleaners. Yoko would be long forgotten.
    And “Imagine”‘s rights would long ago have been sold off to some soda or candy brand for commercials.

  20. It’s hard to ‘Imagine’ that

    Mike Rosen
    November 24, 2006

    Elton John – make that Sir Elton John – recently declared in a magazine interview that “religion should be banned completely.” At least he didn’t say it should be banned selectively; that might smack of favoritism and discrimination. It seems his animus toward religion is driven largely by his status as a homosexual. He resents religiously based disapproval of his lifestyle and says that religion directs “hatred towards gay people.” His ironic remedy is that religious intolerance, as he sees it, shouldn’t be tolerated. He’s also critical of religious leaders for not coming together to end war.

    Now, Elton John is a talented musician. But like so many right-brained artsy types, he’s given more to emoting than to reasoning or practicality. It’s certainly true that throughout history religious differences have sometimes led to war. But he hasn’t explained just how he’d “ban” religion or how the ban would be enforced. Would he have our armies go to war against religion? And would they first shoot their chaplains? What would Americans do with our First Amendment guarantee of religious freedom and those pesky references to “God” and the “Creator” in the Declaration of Independence?

    Of course, Sir Elton is not to be taken seriously. He’s just venting. As long as the vast majority of humans believe in one form of deity or another, there will be religion – for better or worse.

    In the midst of his ramblings, Elton John invoked the memory of John Lennon, saying that if he were alive today he’d be fighting for peace (my oxymoron, not his). Which reminded me of Lennon’s epic song, Imagine. Baby boomer romantic nostalgia notwithstanding, the puerile lyrics of that tune sound like a collaboration of Karl Marx, Cindy Sheehan and Dennis Kucinich.

    Imagine there’s no heaven/It’s easy if you try/No hell below us/Above us only sky/Imagine all the people/Living for today

    Even if you don’t believe in rewards or punishment in the hereafter, responsible adults don’t live just for today. They defer gratification and save for a rainy day and retirement. Think of the parable of the grasshopper and the ant.

    Imagine there’s no countries/It isn’t hard to do/Nothing to kill or die for/And no religion, too/Imagine all the people/Living life in peace

    No, I can’t imagine that. It’s anti-historical and contrary to human nature. People are inherently tribal and nationalistic. They band together, linked by common cultures, superstitions, beliefs, values and preferred systems of political economy.

    You may say that I’m a dreamer/But I’m not the only one/I hope someday you’ll join us/And the world will be as one

    You’re a dreamer. Never happen. The only way the world would be as one is under the guns of a militaristic, totalitarian regime. And even that would only be temporary. Empires invariably fall.

    Imagine no possessions/I wonder if you can/No need for greed or hunger/A brotherhood of man/Imagine all the people/Sharing all the world

    Good heavens, no! This is right out of The Communist Manifesto. No possessions? You mean no property rights? That means no rewards, no incentives, no creativity and very little production. Moochers living off a dwindling pool of hard workers. Who’s going to harvest the crops while the “dreamers” are smoking dope and flashing peace signs with that silly grin on their faces? What everyone owns, no one owns. Think of the graffiti on the walls of community-owned property like a New York City subway station men’s room. By comparison, have you ever seen graffiti on the walls of a bathroom in someone’s private home?

    You may say that I’m a dreamer/But I’m not the only one/I hope someday you’ll join us/And the world will be as one

    He’s repeating himself. We’ve already covered that. Where’s Mister Hold Button when I really need him?

    End of song.

    When I discussed this on my radio show recently, a well-meaning but hopelessly idealistic woman called in and defended Lennon’s message as “aspirational,” as in a lofty and hopeful goal. I responded that as an ambitious goal-setter myself, I’ve aspired to many things in life and proudly accomplished some of them. But I don’t believe in setting your sights on things that are impossible to achieve or counterproductive. That’s a formula for wasted effort, failure and frustration.

    Remarkably, the woman described herself as a devout Christian whose “aspirations” apparently didn’t include renouncing her faith. Islamofascists also have no interest in discarding their predatory religious beliefs, either. They just want you to give up yours. Imagine that.

  21. sheesh … everyone’s a critic ….
    The Beatles were a band that caught lightning in a bottle … same as Elvis, Sinatra, God-awful U2, Springsteen, or any other ‘phenom’
    all of them, due to worship of the masses, became as pretentious as their critics …. past & present

    I’m into the Beatles, Sinatra, The Allman Brothers, Beethoven, Marc Antoine, early Elvis, Linkin Park, Hank Williams, Muddy Waters, Pearl Jam, Robert Johnson, Emmie Lou Harris, Led Zeppelin, Patsy Cline … I don’t take any of their pronouncements as Gospel … they are all as flawed as I am
    … it’s just music, folks … like it … or not

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