Yoko Ono – Unsung Hero of the NYC Chinese Virus Pandemic – IOTW Report

Yoko Ono – Unsung Hero of the NYC Chinese Virus Pandemic

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28 Comments on Yoko Ono – Unsung Hero of the NYC Chinese Virus Pandemic

  1. That’s hilarious and could actually work. On a positive note though, her youngest son, Sean has made some very reasoned comments lately from the conservative side.

  2. @Uncle Al: Despite his bizarre singing, Herbert Khaury (aka “Tiny Tim”) had some real talent that Yoko Ono could never hope to match.

    From the Houston Press website:

    “…But all the while, he remained a champion of music of the ‘20s, ‘30s and ‘40s, with an encyclopedic knowledge of songs, writers and performers that impressed even Bing Crosby. For all his weirdness, Tim was a real musical archivist. While his life, understandably, overshadows his music sometimes, the man could sing long-forgotten songs for three hours straight without repeating a single one.”


  3. Ken H – The liner notes on the album must have been real ‘trippy’…

    Lennon was cheating on Yoko not too long after that assinine ‘peace/love in’ bullshit.

    May Pang was about twenty plus years old.


  4. just blasting her ‘musical talents’ over a loudspeaker attached to a truck driving down the deserted streets on NY is enough to kill the Chinese Red Death in it’s tracks

    (little know fact: it was Yoko, not Slim Whitman, that defeated the Martians)

  5. @Vietvet – Thanks for the reminder. When I wrote that comment, all I had in mind was that falsetto and ukulele grating on my nerves. He was a talented guy, but not in the realm of performing, IMO.

  6. I got into a strange argument with a fellow guitarist, years ago, about Yer Blues. He was in the next office over from my boss and brought me a ’71 Stratocaster. “It’s all fucked up — deal with it.”

    I set it up, tweaked some stuff, and found his neck pickup was hosed. Fixable, but not by me. I don’t re-wind pickups. I gave him the options… get it re-wound, or I can put in a Robin Trower Signature pickup that won’t sound wonky with the other pickups.

    Anyway, we got to talking about shit that’s hard to do. I said that Badge (Cream) was beyond my capabilities, AND the double and triple stops in “free time” Clapton did in Yer Blues, from the Toronto LP, were not only spectacular but incredibly difficult.

    He said, “They are just some double and triple stops!”

    I said, “Yeah, that’s what they are.”

    “Any fucking clown…”

    “Ok, do it.” By that time I had heard enough.

    After about ten minutes his veins were poking out on his temples. He was completely fucking spare. “I CAN’T FUCKING DO IT!” He was screaming.

    It’s funny now, but not funny at the time.

  7. @Uncle Al (at 10:56 pm): I had the same reaction when I first heard him, but then I started finding him very funny. I never figured out if (like Yoko Ono) he really took himself seriously, but I suspect he did.

    P.S. – I met him once in person toward the end of his career when he was reduced to playing the sticks, so to speak. He was actually a pretty nice guy.

  8. Naw, all Japs have sideways vags.

    That’s why they carry their poor flattened kids in a basket on their backs……sad really. The whole world saw that it resulted in a generation of Japanese pilots who could do no more than crash into the sides of ships instead of landing on them… due to their natural lack of balance….as a result of being born sideways and then strapped on the back of a gold fish tender for too may years.

    Ah, the Japanese…… inscrutable.

    (edit) yes, I just wrote that. It’s not like you people are paying for quality entertainment.

  9. @Plutonium Kid ~ Lennon was vastly overrated … he only created the combo that changed music for generations
    he was what we used to call a ‘cad’. he made fun of the handicapped (it was a normal practice in those days), he hated the sound of his own voice, he treated women dreadfully (many men did in ‘those days’ … still do), he was a fair guitarist that had enough talent to compose some very good guitar licks (‘Hide Your Love Away’, ‘Norwegian Wood’, ‘Ticket To Ride’) … & he holds up well w/ Paul & George in the closing guitar battle in ‘Abbey Road’

    also, he’d probably be the first one to tell you that your opinion is correct
    he was smart enough to have no pretensions … & rich enough not to give a damn

    my .02 … he was a complete ass, but I love his work
    btw, even Sir Paul said Yoko did not break up the Beatles


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