You Are Being Manipulated – IOTW Report

You Are Being Manipulated

[But- Not if you’ve been paying attention]

It’s going to be hard to fix the current situation, if we’re not even allowed to talk about what the problem actually is. Here’s the Simple Truth.

13 Comments on You Are Being Manipulated

  1. I’m not being manipulated, but the lower socio-economic class are – white and blacks, but predominately blacks.

    It’s sad and even downright dangerous how disengaged ad ill-informed they are. And the worst thing is, they vote…or at least someone votes for them.

  2. I subscribe to Bible Verse of the Day, which come to my email. Yesterday’s was a timely reminder: “This place is not my home. My home is in Heaven, which Jesus has prepared for me.” (sorry, I can’t remember the scripture reference just now)

  3. There’s a reason Trump is letting this Seattle nonsense play-out.

    People are beginning to realize what the left-wing democrats and socialists are all about.

  4. AbigailAdams, here are a couple of verses that might be what you read:

    Philippians 3:20 But our citizenship is in heaven, and from it we await a Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ

    Hebrews 13:14 For here we have no lasting city, but we seek the city that is to come.

    And here’s Larry Norman from 1973, “I’m Only Visiting This Planet”:

  5. Wow! Excellent analysis. Concise and so accurate. The left don’t want people to have this commentator’s ability to think critically. They would have nobody to manipulate and no power to create so many useful idiots.

  6. In my hometown of Augusta Ga. Our once locally owned and balanced newspaper was purchased by Gannett | USA TODAY NETWORK | Gatehouse.
    Which is a National Media syndicate of over 350 News sources. It immediately went Democrat party line and liberal in news reporting of issues.

    Just as the Spy-Gate official facts were coming out, Liberal Editors/Owners decided cease all USER commenting and erase ALL comments going back for many years. Likely because many of us were commenting with FACTUAL Sources to correct the Liberal opinions being presented out of context as news.

    So my question is it still Freedom of the Presses, when 1 group owns and controls what can be said and printed in over 350 cities?

  7. Denzel evidently suffers from White Privilege. He freely admits he had a father who raised him and watched over him, helping him make positive choices when his other friends went the wrong way.

  8. What’s left out of the equation in every discussion on race relations is the responsibility of blacks. It’s been the same for decades and the democrats like it that way.

  9. Many years ago, around 1980, I read an article that public opinion was driven by approximately 70 people, which were editors and owners of major newspapers and the Big 3 networks. They didn’t control what people thought, but rather what they thought about.
    This is no different. If a person doesn’t wish to take the time to think critically, they don’t deserve my respect or effort.
    Most leftists are ignorant sheep being led to political slaughter.


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