You are now a smuggling co-conspirator – IOTW Report

You are now a smuggling co-conspirator

Taxpayers to Spend $392.69 per Person per Night on Hotels for Illegal Border-Crossers.


By Andrew R. Arthur 

On March 20, Axios reported that the Biden administration has entered into a six-month contract worth $86 million to house 1,200 migrant family members near the Southwest border in Texas and Arizona. That works out to $71,666.67 per migrant, paid by your tax dollars, meaning that you are now a co-conspirator to one of the largest smuggling schemes in history.

Keep in mind, as the outlet notes, that $86 million is just the beginning, as the contract (“through Endeavors, a Texas-based nonprofit” — I would hate to see the tab if they were in it for the money) “could be extended and expanded”.

Why does the Biden administration need $86 million in hotel space? ICE, which detains adults and adults traveling with children (family units or FMUs), is already using its family residential centers (FRCs) as “rapid-processing centers with the goal of releasing families within 72 hours”. But apparently even with that short turn-around time, the agency is running out of space.

Here is an important point to keep in mind: Such speedy releases of FMUs — with little more than some fingerprinting and a future court date — into the interior of the United States is far and away “the major ‘pull factor'” that will encourage even more adult migrants to risk their lives and their accompanying children’s on the trek to the United States in the future.

That is not me saying that. It is one of several conclusions of a bipartisan federal panel during a similar migrant surge in FY 2019. They offered plenty of solutions to address the problem and avoid those dangers in that report (as I explained on March 16), but thus far the Biden administration has not adopted a single one.

As Axios notes, not all FMUs are allowed to stay in the United States. The Biden administration has left in place (for now) a CDC order under Title 42 of the U.S. Code that allows Border Patrol to expel migrants who have entered illegally back across the border, in response to the pandemic. read more

10 Comments on You are now a smuggling co-conspirator

  1. $392.00 per person, per night! What the hell are they thinking?!?! What the hell are we thinking?!?! It seems to me we have plenty of soldiers out here, we need some leaders to step up. Trump should do a rally.

  2. Radioman ain’t never stayed in a place like
    that.The late 80’s I slept & survived the night
    in $19.95 B’Jonney hotels that were burndt the
    F*** out from the 1950’s.
    BTW= I can tell you stories about my “hotel/motel”
    encounters that are somewhere 13 degrees due insane
    of mondo-bizzzaro world inside the twillight zone…
    How bout a thread BFH ????

  3. Money well spent as my little town of La Marque,TX
    has rotting sewer,water and roads.I got to go
    get another Stella Artois before bed to calm the
    heck down from reading the article.

  4. If I were running one of those motels I’d charge more.
    Those places are goingcto be trashed.

    Trump had a really nice facility ready to be built in Yuma as part of the wall funding.
    Play area for kids. Cameras everywhere. Processing facilities and sleeping quarters all in one place.
    They would feed them.
    They would take the illegals’ clothes. Give them paper like clothes. Wash their clothes and give them back the next day before sending them back over the border.

    My hubby was one of the cost estimators on it.
    It was luxury (for one day) compared to how Biden has them stacked up.

    Down the drain now.


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