OC: Goldgenie, a luxury goods company famous for gold-plating just about anything for its wealthy clients, has recently launched a unique Donald Trump-themed iPhone 7 made out of solid 24K gold and encrusted with diamonds. And the best part is that this gem costs only $151,000.
The Goldgenie retail store in Sharjah, a city near Dubai, came up with the idea for this unusual product after it was specifically requested by a Chinese woman, last month. Frank Fernando, managing director of Goldgenie, declined to identify the customer by name, but said that he believes her family wants to give it to Trump himself after his inauguration, as a present. Anyway, Goldgenie loved the idea so much that they made it available to their other clients as well. Go See
Cheap knockoff counterfeit coming from China in 3…2…1…
I know what the price of gold is, and have a good idea how much gold it would take to make an iPhone case (perhaps three to five Troy ounces at about $1,135 per oz.). This admittedly nice looking Trump phone is yuuuugely overpriced!
Oops. Forgot about the diamonds. But “encrusted” suggest a significant number of very small stones, and those are not very expensive either.
I could sure buy a lot of guns for $151,000.
You Can Now Buy a Solid Gold, Diamond-Encrusted Donald Trump iPhone
No, no I can’t,
there is no way in hell I could possible afford such an extravagant, unnecessary, pretentious devise.
I’ll take two.
I’ve been really wracking my brain for something special for the wife…
I’ll tell my wife they were sold out. 🙂
Trump’s election is also creating smiles for a business owner in Japan .
I found this extra amusing because the source of the original story appears to be Stars & Stripes.
http://ameblo.jp/isao-tenkara-guitar/entry-12223108404.html .
Need to get a matching Lifeproof case
I like Trump but not that much/!
And the best part is that this gem costs only $151,000.
I can lots of guns and ammo for that.
will they replace it when the battery blows up in your ear or replace your ear? 🙁
The Obama phone is made of cubic zirconium.
Pubic Zirconium
I got one – it is amazing!!!
There is only one drawback: It’s YUUUUUUGGGEE!!! 😉