“You Cannot Expect Black Women to be Perfect” – Fani Willis Plays Race Card – IOTW Report

“You Cannot Expect Black Women to be Perfect” – Fani Willis Plays Race Card

After Allegations of ‘Improper’ Relationship with Top Trump Prosecutor (VIDEO)

Crooked Soros-backed Fulton County District Attorney on Sunday addressed churchgoers at Big Bethel AME in her first public statement since a filing alleged she had an ‘improper’ relationship with and financially benefitted from a top Trump prosecutor she hired.

34 Comments on “You Cannot Expect Black Women to be Perfect” – Fani Willis Plays Race Card

  1. Ay least she was honest foe one time in her life. Sad to say, but except in music, sports or crime, a black face in charge is a disaster. A female face is not far behind.

  2. “Eye ain’t perfects, and shits, motherfucker honkey-ass bitches!”

    It’s because you are a piece of shit. Not because you are black, but that helps. Fucking waste.

  3. Perfect? How about just clear the lowest hurdle of what is considered even marginally acceptable conduct? This is only the tip of the iceberg on this one. I guarandamntee it. Christ almighty, that isn’t even something that is expected of the Night Manager at anything other than a bikini late’ stand or titty club located in the warehouse district down by the tracks.

    You don’t even want to hear what I think of a purported house of worship that would allow this strumpet a microphone. Five will get ya’ ten she knows what the pastor’s cock tastes like.

  4. This is just flat out criminal what these people (and others) are doing to Trump! The whole thing has turned out to be a joke and childish, traitorous disrespect for our justice system!

    These simple-minded, retarded, fornicating bigots are deserving of being publicly horsewhipped by an infuriated mob of Americans from all walks of life, color, sex, political persuasion and creed!

  5. Benito — I think the expression you’re thinking of is

    “The soft bigotry of low expectations”

    Fani won’t need to enroll in Claudine’s new class at Harvard –
    “The Best Defense is a Good Offense/ Always Play the Race Card”. She has already mastered the subject material.

  6. Let’s stop being nice with these people. She deserves a very slow & painful form of cancer. These are the vermin who degrade all of our society. This woman & her beau both deserve to die very slow,very painful deaths. I wish them nothing less than that. If there is a god they will receive this justice.

  7. She’s a lazy fukkin pig who expects the swamp to protect her from her incompetence, as the swamp protects so many other incompetent lazy pigs.
    Kamala Harris, Jerry Nadler, Adam Schitt, and “Tank” Abrams – to name four.

    No matter the number of lies, imbecilities, diversions, mis-directions, and pure, unadulterated evils emanate from these maggots the Media and the courts protect them.

    The sea of corruption is both wide and deep.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  8. Isn’t she supposed to be a lawyer?
    She’s not perfect so her dishonesty is ok?
    I wonder if Trump’s lawyers can get away with that defense?
    “Sorry Fani, our client thought dishonesty was wrong and okay to talk about. He’s not perfect.”
    Case dismissed!

  9. Fani echos what’s been heard for generations now. Blacks should be given special treatment, be forgiven their shortcomings and be forgiven their lapses in character because – well – they’re Black. They cannot be held to the same standards as other races. Really a simple analyses.

  10. “(She) addressed churchgoers at Big Bethel AME.” This reminds me of a TV preacher who gets caught philandering and begs forgiveness from his TV audience in a blubbering public “confession” so he can keep the donations flowing in. Didn’t Jesse Jackson do the same thing when it was discovered he was porking anything in a skirt?

  11. Hugh – In our dumbed-down, self-absorbed, spoon-fed, celebrity-obsessed, White guilt-ridden, Kool-Aid drinking, Politically Correct, Kumbaya-singing, Xanax-disabled, Rainbow Plantation dwellers in an endless rainbow parade of let-downs, put-downs, shut-outs, freeze-outs by a bunch of sell-outs, numb-nuts and no-nuts nimrods who only appeal to border-jumping piñata-spankers, Feta-reeking cab jockeys and hypocritical bobble-headed Kia Hamsters residing in the Big Bubbling vat of ineptitude called Washington DC, I don’t think we’ll ever be able to use the word ‘niggardly’ again without being called racists!

  12. The public has been assaulted from all sides for the last 10 years about how terrible White people are and how advanced POCs are.
    Now I gotta process how that’s not really true?
    How oh how will I cope?

  13. @ Wanted Justice

    They aren’t doing it to Trump. They are doing it to anyone and everybody who does not willingly go along. They are sewing the wind and will reap the whirlwind and unfortunately they are also willfully blind to any history that doesn’t support their narrative. If what they are not after is to set off something akin to what idiot government has done in Northern Ireland they damn well better knock it off sooner rather than later.

  14. Who gave her the authority to speak for every black woman? Not every black woman is a retarded, nasty slut servicing members of the Demoncrat party in an evil circle of association.

    Of course, like the evil tool that she is, Ratchet Fani shows up at a reprobate “black” church – a prop, to “confess” her sins. A morally deficient moron attempting to make the case her affair with a married man has nothing to do with her persecuting political rivals without evidence of any crimes is something she’s proud of.

    Unlawful, duplicitous standards like that are inexcusable…and she knows it. but too corrupt to care.


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