You can’t criticize Muslims, Islam, or be anti-Jihad [unless you’re China] – IOTW Report

You can’t criticize Muslims, Islam, or be anti-Jihad [unless you’re China]

Jihad Watch:
Germany: Muslim migrant stabs three random men with a knife, cops search for motive.

Bangladesh: Muslim mobs gather, demanding ‘exemplary punishment’ of Hindu arrested for criticizing Muhammad.

Pakistan: Muslim tries to kidnap Hindu teen, convert her to Islam, marry her, murders her when she resists.

And meanwhile, in China: ‘Islamophobia’ industry silent as China begins ‘corruption’ investigation of official who promoted respect for Islam.

“In a signal of Chinese leader Xi Jinping’s resolve to push ahead with the country’s aggressive ethnic assimilation efforts,” China has launched “a corruption inquiry” into senior official Wang Zhengwei, “who was previously an influential advocate of Muslim culture.”

8 Comments on You can’t criticize Muslims, Islam, or be anti-Jihad [unless you’re China]

  1. ChiComs seem to be smarter than american politicians. 13 century murderous troglodytes from hell are not welcome in their country.

    In America we import and spread them across the country, house, clothe and feed them. If you complain the leftists finger wag you.

    I also have a finger.

  2. OT
    Angry Florida man crashes Orthodox church bake sale, thinks all Orthodox churches are Russian. Little old Romanian, Ukrainian, Belarus, Polish, Greek, ladies running the sale get scared. It got ugly but nobody got hurt.


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