You Couldn’t Script a More Media-Ready Example of ‘Fictional Resistance Porn’ – IOTW Report

You Couldn’t Script a More Media-Ready Example of ‘Fictional Resistance Porn’

Diogenes’ Middle Finger: Bob Woodward’s new book “FEAR is the latest in a series of questionable insider tell-alls about DJT’s tumultuous first year in office following on the heels of the unindicted perjurer James Comey’s “A Higher Loyalty” and journalist author hack writer Michael Wolff’s mostly unsourced flight of fantasy / hit-job “Fire and Fury.” It’s been labeled perfectly as“Fictional Resistance Porn.” After a day watching members of the media clutching their pearls over Woodward’s new book, I’m convinced that the more salacious details are not culled from ‘deep-background’, but sounds more like fiction manufactured by career deadbeats who have “worked in the White House” probably as far back as the Clinton years.

I’m working from memory here…

  • People around Trump routinely snatch papers off his desk because if he sees those papers then he’ll likely start a nuclear war. Or just start enslaving people indiscriminately. Or maybe both.
  • Everyone who works at the White House hates Trump in every way.
  • Everyone who works at the White House is convinced beyond any shadow of a doubt that Trump is literally insane.
  • Everyone who works at the White House thinks that if they don’t stick around, then Trump will start a nuclear war. Or just start enslaving people indiscriminately. Or maybe both.
  • Trump loves mocking people from the South, and even uses a Southern accent just to be a total asshole about it.
  • His lawyers had to draw pictures for him to understand what perjury means, and then went on bended knee and begged Mueller not to question him out of pity for his inability to tell the truth.

The vast majority of the allegations, certainly the ones outlined above probably all came from one or two people who likely have little to no actual proximity to DJT, or his closest aides.  more here

14 Comments on You Couldn’t Script a More Media-Ready Example of ‘Fictional Resistance Porn’

  1. Add Erick Erickson to the authors list, for his “Secret Safeway Buddy” piece de resistance…

    “If we’re going to lose because of him, we might as well impeach the motherf**ker,” said the congressman as we roamed the aisles of a Safeway grocery store together. I haven’t been in a Safeway since my family moved home from Dubai in 1990. The congressman did not want to be seen with me on Capitol Hill…”

    In fact, I think Erickson ran this as a trial, and he had a hand in this anonymous bullshit, too.

  2. From Rising Serpent:
    1. Trump-Russia dossier: anonymous sources.
    2. Michael Wolff book: no sources, or at best, anonymous sources
    3. Woodward book: anonymous sources
    4. Everything Adam Schiff says: anonymous sources
    5. NYT op-ed: anonymous source
    So, Q anon is a hoax but liberal anon is fact?

  3. The really insidious thing about all of these smears and lies about “Saving Insane Dumbass Trump From Himself” allow the Deepers and nevertrumpers to claim credit for all four the good things Trump has accomplished. Here an appropriate selection from Erickson’s secret Safeway buddy…

    “He may be an idiot, but he’s still the President and leader of my party and he is capable of doing some things right,” he says before conceding it’s usually other people doing the right things in the President’s name.”

    To me, that’s a tell for nevertrump authorship, and not Democrat authorship; Nevertrumpers have a burning need to be on the right side of history, and they’ve settled on claiming credit for Trump’s accomplishments. While the Dems don’t consider anything Trump has done to be an accomplishment.

  4. Realistically, who is more dishonest and Nixonian paranoid?
    – Donald Trump
    – Hillary Clinton
    Exactly. If she were elected, all the traits they claim Trump to have would be factual with Hillary, but would go completely unreported.


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