“You do not have the right to invoke my people’s struggle for your shoddy purposes” – IOTW Report

“You do not have the right to invoke my people’s struggle for your shoddy purposes”

Legal Insurrection

“Angry Black Woman” to anti-Israel activists: Stop pilfering civil rights legacy for your “repugnant agenda”

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Stoking racial tension against Israel has been a foundation of the Boycott, Divest and Sanctions movement in the U.S.

One pro-Israel student is having none of it.

Chloé Simone Valdary is an outspoken pro-Israel student, who is a shining star in the fight against BDS on campus.

She is so effective that, during a recent pro-Israel rally in Boston, Chloé was physically assaulted by a woman carrying a pro-BDS poster, who insisted that Jerusalem would be cleansed of Jews:



8 Comments on “You do not have the right to invoke my people’s struggle for your shoddy purposes”

  1. “You do not have the right to invoke my people’s struggle for your shoddy purposes”

    Well, actually they do. Some tend to forget the Bill of Rights when it isn’t useful to them.

  2. Actually, I find your agenda repugnant. Blacks in western societies have unparalleled opportunities and protected status and yet remarkably still insist that they are oppressed as if we are stuck in Selma Alabama days, and cannot evolve to a civilized society

    The Jews have a history of oppression by OTHER peoples that reaches further back in history than that of any black culture. And consider this you ignorant tool, Blacks were enslaving other blacks long before the white man ever came on the scene, and it was the Blacks that introduce the selling of other blacks to the white man as a means of commerce.

    Oh and one last thing….Israel’s’ moto is NEVER AGAIN….referring to the holocaust…By the way…when was the last time anyone tried to kill 6 million of your people?…besides Planned parenthood which is endorsed by the black community anyway.

    So STFU Bitch!

  3. Victimology has been fine tuned and perfected by My People for the benefit of My People.

    Well, a few of My People anyway. Jackson, Sharpton, Holder, etc.

    Everybody else – get your own schtick.

  4. In other words Black people are the only ones entitled to be victims and of course entitled to your money! They be expertz at pimpin’ the system and like any pimp they have become very territorial!

  5. I am surprised and saddened by the racist replies on this thread.
    Chloe’s article was not at all about her “victim-hood”. The article was a beautiful and articulate defense of Israel.
    She may be black, but I detected no “poor me” in her letter.

  6. Miss Valdary seems to represent a hodgepodge of ideological doctrines. I’m picking up a mix of Christianity, Judaism, a tinge of Black Nationalism. Very possible she is influenced by a Black Hebrew Israelite cult. Definitely need more info about her background to really know what drives her pro-Israel stance and if she supports victimhood.

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