You don’t have to announce you’re leaving. Just leave. – IOTW Report

You don’t have to announce you’re leaving. Just leave.

Breaking news: Sharon Stone is going to move to Europe if Trump wins the 2024 election.

Keep your legs together on the plane, Shar.

32 Comments on You don’t have to announce you’re leaving. Just leave.

  1. One of the memes I sent out this morning said,

    “To all celebrities please stop announcing your departure from America if Trump wins. America is not an airport no need to announce your departure. You’re not that important and nobody cares what you do.”

  2. I read a very good statement recently. It said “I have needed a plumber, an electrician, a mechanical contractor, a carpenter. I have NOT needed an overpaid movie star or an overpaid athlete.”
    These people have a very high opinion of themselves. Most only have careers of 10 years, maybe 20 years if they also get into movie production. The athletes have an even shorter career span.

  3. Have these people ever heard of Resident Visas? They don’t just hand those out when you show up.

    Also, a working stiff like me made less money than the tax threshold. As long as I paid taxes in Canada, I did not have to pay US taxes. (However, I did have to file US returns every year as well as a couple other things as well.) Being such rich people in the entertainment industry, they will have to pay taxes in both the US AND their country of residence for everything above the threshold. They don’t want to pay the US? Then if they come back to work in the US, then anything they have of value can be confiscated to help pay their back taxes. They really have not thought this out.

    Which makes sense considering they’re Democrats.

  4. I didn’t care in 2016, and I don’t care now. Now if you ask me to identify celebrities who should be deported to…anywhere else, I could go on and on.

  5. Sharon baby, when you move to Europe and then send me your US Passport for me to shred, only THEN will I GAF what you say.

    (I always wondered how Dwight Yoakam could stoop so low as to date this skank)

  6. Watching her speak (with a dust rag on her head?), got me wondering what she was more full of:

    unwarranted self-importance?
    guilt for being famous despite her talentlessness?
    shear stupidity?

    No matter which, she speaks without shame because she has no self-awareness. Maybe her therapist should’ve advised her to STFU.

  7. They all know that if they left now no one would give a shit. Waiting for Trumps election is just drama queen garbage. Perhaps they can milk some of the precious drama they all say they hate, but can’t live without, back into their wealthy but empty existence.

  8. If I had a nickel for every time some self important nobody has threatened to leave and didn’t, I might have about 10 bucks. Cher, your one way flight to Jupiter has been waiting for you.

    Why is it always Canada or Europe? It is never Somalia, Cuba or Gaza.

  9. I’m not terribly wealthy so I can only offer to contribute to her first-class ticket if, and only if, she gives her word (for whatever that’s worth) to not only stay away from and out of the United States of America (no excuses, not even “family”), nor ever again to comment on our country, and relinquishes her passport.

  10. Stone’s a whining, has been hypocrite and she shouldn’t brag about leaving. Her stardom is already drifting towards the ether. It will be basically forgotten in a foreign country. A bruised ego will bring her back to the US.


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