You have got to be kidding me! – IOTW Report

19 Comments on You have got to be kidding me!

  1. Did you catch that his certificate was from housing? So now taxpayers pay for people to live with goats. That won’t cost a fortune to clean the goat piss smell out of the carpets.

    I’m so old I remember when low income/free housing didn’t allow pets, but I guess in this new world those who can’t afford to put a roof over their head or food on the table can have us pick up the tab to feed farm animals.

  2. Okay, let me take you in another direction..
    Growing up my grandmother and an aunt spent considerable time raising me as my older brother spend 11 of the 22 calendar years he lived in a hospital bed which necessitated them watching me a fare amount of the time. My favorite book that the aunt used to read to me was “Billy Whiskers The Autobiography Of A Goat.” Copyright 1902 and I have a copy of it with others from the series in one of my book cases.

    Was looking at some rather old pictures the other day and there it was. Picture labeled “neighbor children” It was two toddlers in a wagon being driven by another very young child with a goat in harness doing the pulling. Think I’ll put that picture in the book as most of what is written would need explanation in today’s world. The book was one of my father’s childhood books…

    Gram would talk about when it was dirt roads with a “lamp lighter” and now there’s over seventy five thousand residents…

    Simpler times, but obviously that’s also why my older brother only made it to twenty two…


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