“You Know It’s From Trump Because There’s Meat on It!” – IOTW Report

“You Know It’s From Trump Because There’s Meat on It!”

Hundreds of Pizzas arrived for supporters outside Walter Reed.

h/t Brad

16 Comments on “You Know It’s From Trump Because There’s Meat on It!”

  1. Meanwhile, a single box of extra gooey cheesesteaks imported all the way from Scranton, Pennsylvania has remained uneaten by the two people who delivered a month’s supply of Depends to the Obiden Bama Hideout in Wilmington, Delaware.

  2. The left will cry that he’s wasting tax dollars on feeding the “deplorables,” even if it’s his own money or his campaigns money that he’s using. This will be repeated ad-nauseum by the MSM and their viewers will take it as gospel; it will be impossible to convince them of the truth, because CNN.

  3. ^^^^ They pull that shit you can bet your ass I will be purchasing a couple of pies this weekend…even though I’m watching my carbs. Oh wait, it’s for the President and anything against the left. Make it three pies!

  4. Chuckie I had been doing the Keto crustless pizzas from Papa Murphys. Beyond yummy….

    But supporting Domino’s is worth all the carb bloat I can power through


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