You know… The guy… Yeah yeah THAT guy – IOTW Report

You know… The guy… Yeah yeah THAT guy

AOL: Gary Johnson says he had an ‘Aleppo moment’ when he struggled to name a foreign leader he liked.

Libertarian presidential candidate Gary Johnson says he was having an “Aleppo moment” when he was unable to name a favorite foreign leader during an interview on MSNBC Wednesday night.

Chris Matthews asked Johnson, who was sitting with his running mate, Bill Weld, to pick one foreign leader that he looks up to.

Johnson struggled to answer, and Weld swooped in.

“Mine was Shimon Peres,” Weld said, naming the former Israeli president who died Tuesday.

“I’m talking about living,” Matthews quipped, pointing back to Johnson who sat quietly.

“You gotta do this,” Matthews goaded. “Anywhere. Any continent. Canada, Mexico, Europe, over there, Asia, South America, Africa: Name a foreign leader that you respect.”  

14 Comments on You know… The guy… Yeah yeah THAT guy

  1. FFS who thought it a good idea to insert this burnt out amoeba into the political arena? It’s painfully obvious he’s resorted to drinking dirty bong water.

    Johnson can’t find his Johnson much less Aleppo on a map. He’s beyond rehabilitative measures and having Weld with his hand up his azZ soft tossing answers fools no one. Bergen and Mortimer Snerd were more convincing.

    Gary, rapido vamanos back to Nuevo Meheeco before you forget where that is.

  2. Uhhh … uhhh … that dude … uh, y’know … that foreign dude … wears a funny hat and talks Austrian or some other garble-shit … uhh, y’know …

    The Lord is punishing us.

    izlamo delenda est …

  3. As voters abandon him in droves on a daily basis, where are they going? Leppo the Clown has wasted a lot of people’s time, but he has a nice little chunk of the electorate supporting him. I can’t see Hillary peeling off very many of them. Hopefully, Trump is looking better and better to them every day.

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