You know things are bad for the lefties when they start calling each other racists – IOTW Report

You know things are bad for the lefties when they start calling each other racists

American Thinker: Twenty-eight-year-old Sandernista socialist Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, who riled up the Democrats by ousting Rep. Joe Crowley the other day, seems to be a symptom of some sort of problem on the left.  Or, as Roger Simon explained, the left is dead.

It follows another bad week for the left over the immigration issue and the left’s unhinged response to that, ahead of this week’s menu of screamings sure to come of the Supreme Court decisions and vacancy news this week.

You know that the left is in trouble from the barrage of rabid left-wing statements coming from the party’s most extreme elements, such as Rep. Maxine Waters, who openly urged yelling at and harassment of anyone working for the Trump administration.  Screaming lunacy, and Mad Max is far from the only one doing it, is indeed a symptom, along with lefties’ rejection of their old guard, as happened in New York.  The lefties who have recognized and tried to stop this decline have been screaming into the wind.

The decline of progressives is still progressing the way lava is through the Hawaiian town of Kapoho.

Now we have leftists turning on each other – not just rejecting establishment leftists at the polls, as the Ocasio victory shows, but now actually yelling at each other.  more here

10 Comments on You know things are bad for the lefties when they start calling each other racists

  1. Maybe the Democrat operatives have been busy Rigging more Voting Machines, while the Media paints a Fevered scenario with the Mexican Orphans.
    They are probably pissed that their Mexican Pedo Pipeline, just got severed.

  2. The Obama inspired clown car screeching wheels and sliding into a ditch. The riders all blaming each other for the wreck and attacking one another with joy buzzers and squirting lapel flowers.

  3. When I refered to “Orphans”,I’ll explain my idea.
    The MS 13 Gangsters I believe have been getting in straight through the Border, by telling an Orphanage they will bring Kid’s to the U.S.A for a chance at life, and then the A’holes claim them as their children to get in.
    The Orphans probably went straight from one of Obamas Steel Cages, in’to Hillarys Child Pedophillia Business.

  4. Organgrinder, they just now interviewed Obama about the DNC clown car tragedy…

    “We’re down there. It’s hot. We were sweating. Bugs everywhere. We’re down there pushing, pushing, pushing on the car. Every once in a while we’d look up and see the Republicans standing there. They’re just standing there fanning themselves — sipping on a Slurpee.”

  5. Kopohohoheyhee-iani,

    “The lefties who have recognized and tried to stop this decline have been screaming into the wind.”

    ~ ~ ~

    There is a Fire Alarm PSA running on MSM TV stations right now. An aside, the ads are disguised Gov Welfare for Broadcasters. Anyways, that annoying Fire Alarm ad is louder then Pelosi and Schumer wind talking alarm DBs combined.

  6. I almost turned on the tv just to watch the fun but remembered I have no cable no dish, no antenna, because I don’t watch fake news and fake life.
    Sigh… I’ll just have to settle for the truth.

  7. Crowley had 20 years. This was an Anti-Incumbent vote.
    Plus, she’s better looking than a fat 60ish white guy who looks like loudmouth Bob Beckel.

    The Left is embarked on a Purge. It won’t stop until the Party has been thinned down to its new Hard Core — the 9-12% of rabid Communists— Antifa, Van Jones, Ellison, La Raza, convicted Felons, and assorted community college “professors”.

    All those Legacy Democrats not meeting the above standards will be forced to #WalkAway and will find themselves by default Independents.

    Whatshername isn’t even elected yet. She’s not a “Star”. At 28 she’ll be a newbie freshman, if she even makes it.
    Still plenty of time for her to self-destruct before the election.


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