You misinterpreted my blacklist as a blacklist – IOTW Report

You misinterpreted my blacklist as a blacklist

Patriot Retort:

The most fascinating part of watching Hollywood Leftists back-peddle is marveling over how stupid they think we are.  Over the weekend, “Will & Grace” stars Eric McCormack and Debra Messing called for the public release of any Hollywood colleagues who would dare attend a Trump fundraiser.  McCormack was not subtle in his desire to out them in order to blacklist them.

After the Hollywood Reporter broke the news that President Trump would be appearing at a Beverly Hills fundraiser, McCormack quote tweeted this reply:

“Hey, @THR, kindly report on everyone attending this event, so the rest of us can be clear about who we don’t wanna work with. Thx.”

The message couldn’t be clearer.  McCormack wants to know who supports Trump so that he and his likeminded Hollywood drones (AKA “the rest of us”) don’t have to work with them.

But how dare you misinterpret this as a blacklist!

Also, please say a prayer for our friend, Dianny.
The reason why, is here.

23 Comments on You misinterpreted my blacklist as a blacklist

  1. Dianny — We are sending our prayers and petitions as I type.

    So many of us here at IOTWReport, unfortunately, are too familiar with such a cloud. First I had cancer, then surgery/chemo, and no cancer. Then it returned. Every day God plants my feet on the floor is a day of rejoicing. Give this one to God, friend.

  2. Anyone who thoroughly researches the Hollywood Blacklist can easily find out that there were many communists working in the movies and television during the 1930s through the 1950s, just as they infiltrated almost every government agency in the Federal Government during this same time period. Read Alan H. Ryskino’s “Hollywood Traitors: Blacklisted Screenwriters: Agents of Stalin, Allies of Hitler” if this subject interests you. The author reveals how the “alleged victims of the Hollywood blacklist were actually ideological thugs: enthusiastic Stalinists committed to bringing about a socialist utopia in America—by violent revolution, if necessary.” The Hollywood Ten deserved to be blacklisted. Ronald Reagan played a major role in limiting Communist influence in Hollywood and became a conservative Republican after his exposure to the Red Menace.

    Stay positive and be strong Dianny. We need your contribution to the battle.

  3. Isaiah 41:10 “So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.”

    Christ gives us the strength to not only endure the tough times but also to grow during them.

    And James, who was no stranger to adversity and hardship, had this to say about keeping faith:

    “Consider it pure joy, my brothers, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith develops perseverance. Perseverance must finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything.” (James 1:2–4)

  4. I expect to continue enjoying your input. Be strong. Be faithful. We love you and pray for the most bestest outcome.
    “Speaking the truth in times of universal deceit is a revolutionary act.” Geo. Orwell

  5. I don’t know you except through your posts, Dianny, and you don’t know me, but you are my sister and a sister to us all, because we have a common Father in Heaven.

    And HE knew you before you were formed (Jeremiah 1:5). And He knows you still, and loves you always, and I suspect He has work for you yet, so He needs to keep you around to fulfill it.

    And I don’t believe for one minute that evil disease is His plan for you. And you should not claim it for yourself.

    Diseases like this exist in our fallen world, but they are not of our Lord. Our Father is a great giver of gifts (Matthew 7:11), and the one he loves to give the MOST, and does throughout Scripture, is healing. If you reach to Him and claim your healing in His name and stand upon His word, and if we, your brothers and sisters in Christ pray upon your health, I believe He will bestow that gift upon you and give you full and complete healing.

    This would be a miracle, but our Lord is a miracle worker, and is the same today as ever he was (Hebrews 13:8). Touch His robe as he walks by, and healing is YOURS. (Matthew 9:21)

    I KNOW he does miracles, for I have seen Him do them.

    A woman in my church was afflicted with sarcoma that was not diagnosed until it had metastized throughout her body and manifested with lumps, some of which had actually ruptured, which is a terrible sign. Her prognosis was poor, and her doctors told her to wrap up her affairs, she had 3 months at most.

    So,she went to the alter and prayed. The church prayed with her. The spirit fell and touched her, and she went home late that night, but knew something profound had happened. Sure enough, her suppurating wounds closed, her tumors throughout her body shrank, and SHE. WAS. HEALED.

    This woman, then, who was manifestly, deathly ill, who had been to doctor after doctor and given one poor prognosis after another, this woman who had three months to live, was given her life back by prayer.

    This was 22 years ago, that she was told she had 3 months to live.

    All the doctors who gave her the grim news have, themselves, died, while she, herself, has not.

    And, she lives in Christ, which means she will live forever.

    It’s too late to tell ME miracles don’t happen.

    I’ve SEEN them.

    And the Lord is no respecter of persons. What he does for ONE, he will do for ALL, and he will do for YOU. It is to His glory that He healed her, and will be to His glory when He heals YOU. Name it, and claim it.

    In the Name of He who took our stripes upon Himself for our healing (Isaiah 53:5), I offer this prayer:

    Dear Lord, please hear the prayers of Your servant in this urgent matter that he brings before you, standing respectfully upon Your word in anticipation that You will grant the healing You promise, to Your everlasting glory. Lord, this woman, your daughter, our sister, has an affliction that earthly doctors are troubled by, and speak only of the potential pains of our mortal nature. In this, then, she turns to You, as the Ultimate Physician, as the One who formed her in the womb, that You may show Your glory and Your mercy by doing that which eludes the wisest of men, the best minds of earthly medicine, by fully and completely healing her. Lift her spirits even as you heal her body, and grant her a further time among us to continue her work against those who mock and scorn You and Your children. I know not the state of her walk with You, but use Your healing to draw her closer to You, and I will praise you for it here, for my part, and uplift Your name in the glory that You always deserve, and cite this healing as yet another sign of Your greatness. We implore You to take this burden from her and teplace it with Your love and Your peace, and we ask it all in the precious name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, amen.

    Keep praying, @Dianny, and keep praying FOR her, @iOTWorlders, and we’ll all look forwards to a good report from your mystified doctors.

    God bless,

  6. Heartfelt prayers for you Dianny. My world stopped when I heard the Doctor say the biopsy showed 2 kinds of cancer. I thought having Graves’ Disease was bad enough. That was 15 years ago and I’m still here pissing off liberals. Prayers for your healing and for your medical team.

  7. Dianny, know and trust God. Seek Him for your healing, because through Christ, God desires to bring you life – life more abundantly, (John 10:10). If you know the Lord, Armor up. You’re a victorious warrior, (Ephesians 6:10-17).
    In any case, God’s got this on your behalf. Looking forward to you overcoming any diagnosis and prognosis.
    Be Blessed!
    BTW, Awesome testimonies on this thread. God is indeed GOOD!

  8. I just saw this. Thank you so much you guys. Your thoughtful words and prayers are very much appreciated. I go in for an ultrasound today. Then hopefully soon I’ll get sent to the specialist for a complete work-up and biopsy. I don’t know how long it takes to get in to see the specialist. Hopefully not more than a week or so — unlike my initial rheumatologist appointment that took five months.

    Any old how. Thank you. Your prayers and encouraging messages certainly lift my spirits.


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