You Must Learn the Lingo of the Perpetually Peeved – IOTW Report

You Must Learn the Lingo of the Perpetually Peeved

You must learn it. I won’t.

There was a time when blacks wanted to be called colored. That was their choice. Look at the NAACP. CP stands for colored people.

There was a time when blacks wanted to be called negroes. That was their choice. Look at the UNCF. N stands for negro.

There was a time when blacks wanted to be called African Americans. That was their choice. Look at  AAASE. AA stands for African American.

This is purposeful. It’s a way to create bigotry when there is none. As the new nomenclature is rolled out, anyone not paying attention is suddenly a rabid racist. People are shamed, they apologize and a certain power is wielded.

It’s very effective.  It is so effective this technique is being adopted by the LBJBLT community. They’re changing what they want to be called just about every 3 months, and there are dozens of permutations that you’re expected to have committed to memory. I’m not interested. I’m not going to download a glossary just to keep in the know and not be looked upon like some kind of rube jerk when some ass pilot prefers to be called §. It didn’t work with Prince, and it’s not going to work with these … things either.

A guy that likes guys is gay. A girl that likes girls is a lesbian. A guy who wears women’s clothes is a transvestite. A  person who gets a sex change is a tranny. These terms were all perfectly acceptable by the LBR2D2 community at one time. So that’s it, I’m not learning the latest idiom. I’m not playing that game. And if anyone has a problem with this I will ask that they simply think of me as a Mexican who refuses to learn English. For the most part gays have no idea what words Spanish people are using to describe them, or if these words are 3 decades old and “disparaging.”  So, good enough for them, good enough for me. Okay maricon?

20 Comments on You Must Learn the Lingo of the Perpetually Peeved

  1. I know what you mean. I always thought of them as “queer” if I had to think of them at all, and I’m not intending to be disparaging. I’m damned if I’m going to play word games.

    Welcome to Texas, by the way. Venture a few more miles west and I’ll buy your dinner.

  2. Texas has been fun. I’m leaving on another road trip in a few days, further west, but I think I’ll be back in Texas soon enough.

    I learned the phrase, “can’t never tell,” and I think this is the right time to use it.

  3. That’s why I prefer “homosexual”.

    Wanna raise a few eyebrows?
    (or is “eyebrow” now a derogatory word? GOOD!!!)

    In normal conversation, use the adjectives “gay” or “queer” as they are properly intended.
    *That* pisses off a fair bunch.

  4. An astute observation. You can create new victim groups by giving them a fresh coat of point. You can also hide failed policies as the crypto-commies have by changing their name from progressive to liberal to progressive to ?

  5. A brilliant take, thanks very much.

    Collectively, these self-indulgent misfits and mental cases constitute what percentage of the population? I’d guess around 3, maybe less. Yet because the loopy media girls and “academics” have labeled them as “oppressed”, they get all the oxygen. It isn’t enough that they are FREE to indulge in whatever aberrant behavior they prefer, they require that decent people affirm and celebrate their bizarre fetishes.

    I’m with you 100%. I ain’t playing the game.

    And you are welcome in Texas anytime. Stay a spell. Kick your shoes off. Y’all come back now, hear?

  6. @Philbilly Swill

    “Liberals never, ever drop a heinous idea; they just change the name. “Abortion” becomes “choice,” “communist” becomes “progressive,” “communist dictatorship” becomes “people’s democratic republic” and “Nikita Khrushchev” becomes “Barack Obama.” – Ann Coulter

    (from over at Curmudgeonly and Skeptical)

  7. “Racism” pays and pays off BIG time! We found that out when the Øbamboozler was elected. How so? Well, when the first Black President arrived it heralded the end of the so-called “racism” period and the beginning of the Post-Racial period. It also brought about the realization that suddenly all the entitlements that went with it were no longer needed and about to disappear! Well, we can’t have that so “racism” was ginned up and fabricated where it did not exist and in fact ramped up exponentially so as to preserve the Victimhood status that has paid off so handsomely.
    This has not gone un-noticed by other groups. People have discovered that when you claim “victimhood” status in this country, stomp your feet and scream about it and you get noticed and get special considerations as a protected class. Not only that, but you get to be used by disingenuous, lying, bottom-scraping politicians and the colossal ignoranuses in the media these days… not that you care one bit!
    So yes, it pays, and pays well to be a victim these days!!

  8. The one newfangled word I’ve been refusing to use is “Asian.” Asia’s such a big place that its adjective form is rendered maddeningly nonspecific.

    I stil refer to natives of the Far East as “Orientals.” For some reason, this really gets people’s knickers in a twist.

    And for some reason, I don’t really GAFF.

  9. Always thought it hilarious when some fudge packer thought he wanted to work offshore. On the rig floor, that shite don’t fly a-tall. With a quickness, we just call’em “a chopper”. As in, you’re GONE.

  10. “LBJBLT”?? I didn’t know LBJ was queer, I learn something every time I surf here. I dont’ even want to know what the BLT part of that means. It’ll just ruin a great sandwich.

  11. Queer still works…after all the lead banner in the San Fran queer parade says “We’re here, We’re queer, get used to it”

    So naaCp means colored? Does that bother the Chinese?

  12. I always said fag, queer, fart knockers, tranny, lesbo, bush pilot, freak, twink, ass pirate,
    queen, pervert, and anomoly. I don’t see any reason why I have to change. I know who I’m talking about and so does anyone I’m talking to.

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