You Want Cries With That? Seattle minimum wage hikes are causing restaurants to close – IOTW Report

You Want Cries With That? Seattle minimum wage hikes are causing restaurants to close

Full Service Workers Alliance co-founder Simone Barron discusses the threat minimum wage increases poses to jobs in the food service industry.

21 Comments on You Want Cries With That? Seattle minimum wage hikes are causing restaurants to close

  1. Like obama aping (no pun intended) the end of America’s prosperity is here, this is all part of the fascist plan to impoverish the nonruling elite of us, then rule all of us, then kill the likes of us.

    Seattle is a city of compliant fools, happy to jump into the pit of the hellish world Obama promoted.

    But then, Trump waived a magic wand.

  2. Just sit in the dark at your public housing dive and eat recycled government tofu. Stupid hippies. Fast food worker and restaurant waitress are not intended to be careers. Stupid hippies. Maybe if you had a tech degree instead of a masters in Post-Gender Retrogressive Dadaism, you could actually get a real job. Stupid hippies.

  3. Yep, it is a always a smart move to cause the price of a hamburger worth $1.00 dollar to now cost $10.00 dollars (through commie minimum wages) in order to satisfy the leftwing cretins!

  4. @ mansfield lovell DECEMBER 17, 2019 AT 1:05 PM

    Cloward Piven suggests otherwise.

    Never concede good intentions to the progressive movement. It is never warranted. The progressive movement has been invested in increasing innocent human suffering, misery and death since it’s inception. The progressive movement supported the National Socialists as they rose in stature and consolidated their power throughout the 1930’s and they supported every genocidal regime that came along during the last century. Read their own periodical literature and it is documented in their own words who they supported. A movement cannot be that wrong, for that long, about what their prescription for humanity will yield w/o a thorough examination of what evidence suggests their policies are more likely than not to result in.

    Where do their policies lead when implemented? To a hell on earth. Increased innocent human suffering, misery and death and not by a small measure.

  5. I had a job hauling golf sacks during the day and parked cars at night at a country club.

    The base rate for sack hauling was $15 per 18 holes. I carried 2 sacks, for $30 for 4 hours. $7.50/hr. The average tip of $15 per sack doubled my rate to $15/hr.

    Then valet parking. My hourly rate was $4/hr. With tips on a busy night that would easily go up to $30 to $50 per hour.

    If those base rates were hiked to a “livable wage” I can say with 100% certainty my total income would have been far less. There were “favorites” at the country club, the people who liked me and often tipped MUCH more than they needed to. Tips made me go the “extra mile” to ensure I got the best tip possible at all times.

    Raise the base rate and eliminate tips so the progressives have equal outcome for a shitty or well done job and EVERYONE suffers the same as whoever does the worst possible job. It’s common sense, basic economics, and that’s why progs are against it.

  6. We tell ’em, & we tell ’em – and we tell ’em, AND we tell ’em… & they NEVER listen, NEVER believe it, and NEVER learn. 🙄

    🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕 ’em!!!!


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