‘You Were Hoodwinked’ – IOTW Report

‘You Were Hoodwinked’

Tucker Spars With Democrat Over Iran Deal-

Fox: Tucker Carlson debated an Iran deal-supporting congressman over new revelations it included the release of prisoners who smuggled military technology to Tehran.

Congressman Eric Swalwell (D-Calif.) said he still supported the deal because it meant there would be one less nuclear-powered enemy in the world.

He said that because of his vote, President Trump only has to deal with a nuclear North Korea.

Carlson said Swalwell had effectively been lied to, since the congressman announced that Obama administration official briefed him on the contents of the deal.    Watch

15 Comments on ‘You Were Hoodwinked’

  1. It reminds me of tee ball – easy to hit when the target just sits there. I’d like to see Carlson interview Noam Chomsky, Michael Moore, or even Michael Mann. Step up the game.

  2. I’m guessing that Iran has some kind of working nuke.
    Probably not the big blockbusting 100 MegaTonner like we have, but one, nonetheless.
    The science was done by 1939, and the engineering by 1944. And Iran has had access to our schools since before the deposition of the Shah. The Mullahs are fools, but the “scientists” aren’t (except those who allow their false religion to blind them).
    The only drawback to any nuclear program is fissile material and the Iranians have been enriching Uranium for decades, and Obola gave them carte blanche to continue (albeit at a reduced rate) without international intrusion.
    Unless they are inundated with saboteurs, they (should) have a bomb.

    Anyone who read the outlines of that stupid “deal” knows it’s bullshit: an inducement to build nukes shielded from international oversight.

    izlamo delenda est …

  3. I don’t see Tucker lasting all that long on FOX. There’s going to come a time when eventually they will run out of dumb ass liberals brave enough to make a fool of themselves on TV!

    His facial expressions are probably enough to make them shit their pants right now!

  4. My wife likes Tucker but noticed he doesn’t go into that full out laughter anymore with his new time slot when he realizes the stupid crap they are saying. She thinks he has been getting some coaching lessons to not annoy people watching him on T.V.

  5. Groucho Marxist – in regards to the Norks, it was a succession of Democrat Party assholes & traitors who foisted the fascist fissile fucktard deals on us. Jimmy Carter, Bill Clinton, Madeline Alltoostupid….er Albright, etc.

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