You’d Better Be Prepared for the Perfect Transportation Storm – IOTW Report

You’d Better Be Prepared for the Perfect Transportation Storm

American Thinker:

By John Green

We’ve all heard of the game “Where’s Waldo?”  Well, I’ve got a better question.  As we look upon the hordes of federal parasites dedicated public servants, where’s Pete?  We’re seeing the convergence of some dangerous circumstances — a perfect storm, if you will.  But it’s not a convergence of weather patterns, but problems with the transportation infrastructure.  Yet Pete (Buttigieg) is nowhere to be found — at least not anywhere near the problems he’s supposed to prevent.

Loaded ships are still waiting off the coast of California because there aren’t enough trucks that meet the state’s emission standards to unload them — and it’s going to get worse in 2023, when more rules kick in.  The ports are choked with cargo containers while perishables spoil and store shelves run empty.   It’s a government-created problem.  What is the government’s solution?  Mandate that port employees work overtime loading the trucks that aren’t there.  It’s government problem-solving 101.

The airline industry is plagued with cancelations and late flights.  And it’s not because of climate change (bad weather) or mechanical failures.  It’s because they don’t have enough pilots. When we tried to control a virus by closing the country, pilots retired, others refused to comply with the vaccine mandate and were fired, and some unknown number took the vax and found they could no longer pass their physicals.  But this time, Pete is on the case.  He’s told the airlines that the Department of Transportation will fine them if they don’t hire more of the pilots that don’t exist.  That should light a fire under their executive tails. read more. h/t joe6pak

15 Comments on You’d Better Be Prepared for the Perfect Transportation Storm

  1. It’s difficult to believe the amount of incompetence in Joetato’s cabinet. To quote George C Scott from The Hospital, “The incompetence here is absolutely radiant!”

  2. You’ve got to wonder if it’s incompetence or if it’s on purpose. A group of high school kids would show a higher level of competence than what these shitheaded bastards are showing!

  3. joe6pak – We sailed past “coincidence” well over a year ago and you certainly don’t need a crystal ball to see that the Leftist rat-bastards are doing everything in their power to drag this nation down to its lowest level of Suck by looting the treasury like it’s an inner-city CVS and using Cloward-Piven, Alinsky and Marxist Venezuela-like divisionary tactics! After the election it’s gonna look like Brazil!

  4. Karen, the manager wants to speak to you.

    Of course, if you had just a shred of honesty, you could objectively look at the state of our country 2 years ago, and where it is now, and you would be forced to admit,”Damn………….what the hell happened?

    No, we don’t have all the answers, but we don’t let ideology blind us to the obvious; in every objective measure, from every aspect of our lives, you guys absolutely suck at governing, are clueless when it comes to the economy, the border, and protecting citizens, and making a positive difference in the social order.

  5. Obama’s third term has been spending a lot of time demonizing diesel recently. Even Kamala got in on the act. They engineered what’s coming. They want suffering. These are policy driven shortages to punish us reluctant, unbelieving plebes into accepting the Green New Deal/Great Reset.


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