CB: Emblematic of a much larger problem developing for the Biden campaign amongst young Democrats in general and young black voters in particular, Jahmiel Jackson, a registered Democrat, stunned a Fox News host Friday by explaining why he’ll likely vote former President Donald J. Trump in 2024.
The 21-year-old, University of Chicago student, social chair, and staff writer for The Chicago Thinker told Fox News, “I’ve seen no form of accountability in this administration. I think this is what’s going to change my vote from formerly Joe Biden to Donald Trump.”

He added, “I have seen the pullout of Afghanistan from Joe Biden. And then I watched him check his watch during the funeral of the servicemen. And I think if we were to go to a war, I’m prime age be drafted. And I don’t want him to check his watch while they’re burying me.” more
When I go into Sams or Walmart, it is black people that overwhelmingly wear masks still. I saw one black woman in Sams that was wearing a mask and a t-shirt that sayed “be informed” or sum such nonsense.
I don’t expect to see black people voting for Trump.
“And I don’t want him to check his watch while they’re burying me.”
…It stops being funny when it starts being you, nicht wahr?
Nice to see a young man with some self-preservation instinct left. One could say that a more noble sentiment would be that he doesn’t want Pedo Joe so there’s no casket for the traitor to view his watch over in the FIRST plave, his or ANYONES, but baby steps, be grateful I suppose for THIS much awareness…
It isn’t just white people being replaced in the dems repopulation program and blacks better catch on quick.
You all look the same to ME!
Just another *giggle!* number!
I read the headline wrong and thought it said,
“Young Dem Bitches & Biden”
Which as also a very real headline.
He didn’t just check his watch once, he checked his watch on all 13 caskets. The lights may be on but definitely nobody’s home.
Who in their right mind would do this at such a time?
^^^ is ^^^
dumb fingers today
Sorry, once a Demoncrat, always a Demoncrat. I like what RFKjr has to say and his platform but he is a Kennedy and cannot be trusted. Wishful thinking Dems would vote for Trump, not holding my breath.
Trump — and the good people at TPUSA, YAF, and their leaders (like Candace Owens, Charlie Kirk, Scott Presler, and so on), have almost single-handedly turned the tide on young, black voting. Don’t sell their movement short by any means. That voting bloc is growing leaps and bounds for President Trump.