Young Democrats of Maryland president, 34, found dead in Washington, DC – IOTW Report

Young Democrats of Maryland president, 34, found dead in Washington, DC


The president of the Young Democrats of Maryland was found dead in Washington, D.C., more than a week after going missing, investigators said Sunday.

Joseph Kitchen, 34, was last seen on Aug. 8 at Sandy Point State Park in Annapolis, about 37 miles east of Washington, Prince George’s County, police said. The department confirmed Sunday that Kitchen was found dead in Washington a day after asking the public for help in its search. more

19 Comments on Young Democrats of Maryland president, 34, found dead in Washington, DC

  1. poor kid. drawn into the spiders web

    I went to too many funerals this last two weeks to post anything snarky. 13 yr old, 50 yr old, 71 yr old. RIP kid. None were wuhu flu

  2. Charlie WalksonWater
    AUGUST 17, 2020 AT 2:18 PM

    “I went to too many funerals this last two weeks to post anything snarky. 13 yr old, 50 yr old, 71 yr old. RIP kid. None were wuhu flu”

    …know whatcha mean. Funerals this week for an 84 year old, 73 year old, 70 year old, and 30 year old. Heart, leukemia, stroke, heat stroke/passed out in shower.
    All lingering deaths that killed the brain first, which my wife had to live through when her dad oassed
    They’re celebrating the 6 successful operations for the 30 year old’s major organ transplants today. Memorial service planned for Saturday for 3 of the 4 for family who couldn’t go to CA for the 30 year old and for the married couple who died close to each other in days but locked away from each other by Governors, because the surviving daughters aren’t very stable and didn’t do a visitation.

    Fun fun fun.

    No, not gonna crow over the death of some misguided kid I don’t even know OF.

    Somebody loved him.

    May the Lord help his loved ones in their hour of need.

    And may the Lord help you and yours, Charlie, you don’t say much about them, not even the 13 year old (!), which sometimes means the pain is too near, but I won’t make you put it out there if so, I will just pray for the Lord to touch and strengthen you in these losses and comfort you that they may continue with Him, and that you’ll one day meet again at His feet in incorruptible bodies and smile and be glad indeed.

    “38 For I am persuaded, that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come,

    39 Nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.”
    Romans 8:38-39

    God Bless,


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