Young Thieves Pick Wrong Convenience Store to Rob – IOTW Report

Young Thieves Pick Wrong Convenience Store to Rob

Two young thieves picked the wrong convenience store to rob in upstate New York.

According to Inside Edition, Gurchran Singh and his wife Parvinder Chahal were minding the store when two knife-wielding masked men rushed in.

Singh explained, “They jumped in and said give me the money! My wife said, ‘Take it, take the money!'”

But the couple wasn’t simply going to let the robbers get away unscathed.


They came out swinging! 

15 Comments on Young Thieves Pick Wrong Convenience Store to Rob

  1. The Sikhs I’ve known have my respect. Their beliefs are, among other things, not to be aggressors but to be fiercely defensive, including defense of others.

    Well done Gurchran Singh and Parvinder Chahal!

  2. That is great. He look like a Sikh. Most Sikhs keep a ceremonial knife in their turban so those two moron really had handful when they attacked those people. Don’t mess with Sikhs, good people, but very proud. (They assimilate into America quite well, by the way.)

  3. Highly recommended, Mansfield. It’s worthless to use as a “Look at this loser being caught!” photo

    Example A: Tom Delay was hounded by a Ft. Worth prosecutor and he had to be booked at one point because of the process. Bingo! said the libs. “We’ll have a picture of him looking bad”

    They lost on that one.

    Tom Delay’s useless-to-libs mug shot:×970/documents/1020051delay1.jpg

  4. Confederate Lovell,
    WTF is what that pansey ass soft
    silly smirking turd on the left is
    going to be saying when Leroy pounds
    his beef steak into juniors tender rectum…

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